Bliadhna mhath ùr dhuibh, agus slàinte, sonas, agus soirbheachadh innte! ’S iomadh amas a chuireas daoine romhpa fhèin aig an àm seo agus thèid mòran dhiubh sin a choileanadh, ged a thèid tòrr rùintean phearsanta cuideachd a thrèigsinn airson caochladh adhbharan.
Ach ma tha a’ mhòr-chuid de na h-amasan coileanta dol a thoirt leasachadh air beatha chuideigin, theagamh gum faodamaid a bhith a’ sùileachadh choimhearsnachdan agus saoghal beagan nas fheàrr. Barrachd càirdeis eadar nàbaidhean, nas lugha aimhreit is cron, barrachd bàidh is taic dha carthannais? ’S dòcha gur e rùn car faoin a tha sin mu choinneamh fianais eachdraidh an t-saoghail, agus ged a tha mi cinnteach gun aontaicheadh a’ mhòr-shluagh ri prìomh amas sìthe, crìoch air gort, tart, is acras, chan eil cus misneachd gun tachair sin! Aig an aon àm cha chòir cùl a chur ri leithid de dh’amas, agus ‘s fhiach dhuinn a bhith beò ann an dòchas chan ann a-mhàin airson 2025 ach cho fada air adhart ’s a thogras sinn sealltainn!
Chòrd e gu mòr rium mar a chuir seann charaid sgoile à Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh an cèill beachd air an àm seo den bhliadhna. Ged a bhios mòr-shluagh ag argamaid nach eil coibhneas neo gràdh air fhàgail san t-saoghal an-diugh thuirt i, ciamar a mhìnicheas iad rùn mhilleanan dhaoine a bhith tighinn còmhla feadh an t-saoghail gus toiseach bliadhn’ ùr fhàilteachadh le dòchas aighearach? Deagh bheachd shaoileam, agus nach math dhuinn leithid a chothrom a bhith againn ann an cuideachd chàirdean agus eòlaich. Mar a thuirt mi an seo roimhe saoilidh mi, ’s fhiach dhuinn daonnan cuimhneachadh gur e th’ ann an coigreach caraid air nach do chuir sinn eòlas fhathast!
Ach dè tha gu bhith romhainn am-bliadhna? Càite bheil dòchas, càite bheil iomagain? Chan eil fosadh air sgrios is marbhadh san Ear Mheadhanach agus tha Netanyahu a’ leantainn gun chasg, a’ dearbhadh a-rithist mar a tha rùintean phoilitigeach eadar-nàiseanta a’ faotainn bàrr air cor cinne-daonna! Chan eil ann an leisgeulan Israel, gun rannsaich iad gach “tubaist” sgriosail air neoichiontaich, ach ainmeachas gun bhrìgh, agus cumaidh am murt a’ dol fhad ’s a leigear leotha. Chan eil cinnt dè tha an dàn san Ucràin agus Ceann-Suidhe ùr gu bhith a’ gabhail thairis sna Stàitean Aonaichte a dh’aithghearr. Tha e annasach dha Trump a bhith a’ cronachadh na Ruis airson feuchainn ri dùthaich eile a ghabhail thairis, aig an aon àm ’s a tha esan a’ nochdadh rùn leithid Canada a thoirt fo smachd Ameireagaidh!
Ach air latha na gaillinn ’s e goirteas a chinn fhèin as dorra do gach neach, agus a rèir choltais tha creideas mhòran de shluagh na dùthcha seo anns an Riaghaltas Làbarach ùr air lagachadh is gach meang poileasaidh a’ càrnadh tuilleadh chìsean is uallach air sean is òg. Gun teagamh tuigear carson a chanas am Prìomhaire gur e amasan leasachaidh na h-eaconamaidh as cudromaiche dhàsan na meas an t-sluaigh, ach feumaidh e bhith faiceallach nach tionndaidh cruas poileasaidh dìth meas gu gràin bhagarrach phoilitigeach!
A happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year to you all! Customarily, a variety of New Year resolutions will be made at this time and many will be successfully completed. If we assume that a substantial number of the completed aims impact the lives of others we might reasonably expect to be living in a better community and environment. Better relations with neighbours, less conflict and crime, more support for charities?
Sadly, historical evidence does not support such dramatic results and although I suspect the majority would endorse resolutions for world peace and an end to famine, such idealistic objectives continue to elude us. At the same time we should not give up and we should continue to aim for such achievements, not only during 2025 but for as many years ahead as we care to consider!
I was taken by how a former Portree High School classmate recently expressed her thoughts on New Year. When many people appear to believe that society is bereft of kindness and love, how, she asked, can we explain millions of people worldwide making such an effort to meet and celebrate each new year with happiness and hope! Privileged to engage in such celebrations, we should remember that a stranger is just a friend we don’t yet know!
So what might this year mean for us? Where do we see hope, where concerns? There is little evidence of a meaningful cessation of death and destruction in the Middle East where “accidental” atrocities of civilian deaths continues to demonstrate that political objectives take precedence over human lives. Israeli promises to “investigate” such tragedies appear hollow and it continues without any meaningful challenge.
With a new and unpredictable US President soon to take office the future progress of the Ukrainian conflict is unclear, but it would seem odd for Donald Trump to criticise Russian aims to annex neighbouring territory when he would appear to consider doing such to the likes of Canada. When a storm strikes, says a proverb, each should focus on his own headache.
Our new Labour Government is losing popularity in the wake of a relentless imposition of extra costs on citizens who are already seriously stretched. While I think our PM is right to say that repairing the economy is more important than his popularity, I feel he must take care that unpopularity doesn’t evolve into a politically dangerous dislike.
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