Chan e dùbhlan ùr sam bith a tha seo agus bidh cuimhne aig cuid air an iomairt “counter-drift” aig Bòrd Leasachaidh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean còrr air leth-cheud bliadhna air ais nuair a bha iad a’ feuchainn ri òigridh a thàladh dhachaigh gu sgìrean an àraich. A rèir rannsachaidh a nochd bho chionn ghoirid agus mar a tha mi air a thogail roimhe, tha bhith gleidheadh dhaoine òga anns na coimhearsnachdan sin fhathast na dhùbhlan. Gun teagamh tha an saoghal ag atharrachadh agus tha cuid de na bunaitean bith-beò thraidiseanta nach eil a-nise comasach air beòshlaint a chumail ri teaghlaichean. Tha e cuideachd fìor gum bheil cunnart ann an cus cuimse agus ’s dòcha earbsa a bhith ga chur ann an turasachd agus gum bheil an gnìomhachas sin, leis mar a tha e a’ brosnachadh dhaoine gus taighean a thabhann air màl, a’ cur ris a’ ghainnead àitean-fuirich a tha na phrìomh dhuilgheadas dha òigridh agus a tha ro thric gam fuadach gu bailtean thìr-mòr.
Faodaidh e bhith nach eil sa cholbh seo ach guth glè lag ann an saoghal phoilitigs Alba ach tha mi air a bhith a’ moladh gun tèid amasan leasachaidh agus dleastanasan bhuidhnean poblach uile dha na sgìrean iomallach agus Eileanach sin a chothlamadh chun na h-ìre ’s gun tig iad air adhart còmhla. Chruthaicheadh sin innleachd leasachaidh a bhiodh fighte-fuaighte agus a thrusadh an toradh a b’ èifeachdaiche à maoin poblach. Bho chionn bhliadhnaichean air ais sgrìobh Dòmhnall Iain MacAonghais nach maireann an aithisg air Iomairt aig an Oir san robh e mar phrìomh amas gum biodh barrachd co-obrachadh eadar bhuidhnean poblach, agus saoilidh mi gum bheil fada bharrachd den sin ri tachairt fhathast. Mar a tha mi air argamaid an seo roimhe dh’fhaodadh co-mheasgachadh innleachdan adhartas a cheadachadh air amasan leasachaidh chosnaidhean ùra eadar-dhealaichte tron eadar-lìon, Gàidhlig nam measg sin, aig an aon àm ’s a bheireadh e beartas thaigheadas agus òigridh gu sgìrean an iomaill. Mar a thuirt an t-Àrd-Ollamh Seumas Mac an t-Sealgair ann an Òraid Bhliadhnail Sabhal Mòr Ostaig bho chionn ghoirid, chan eil dad nach gabh dèanamh far am bheil rùn!
Armistice Sunday rekindles sad memories of those sacrificed to the folly of war and people reflect anew on how the Great War objective to 'end all wars' is clearly no nearer being realised. In cemeteries across the country gravestones bear stark witness to the void these war losses imposed on their communities, and nowhere was this tragedy more strongly felt than in island and peripheral communities. In some areas the impact is still evident as young people increasingly react to lack of employment and housing by relocating to mainland opportunities.
Out-migration from peripheral communities is not a new story in the Highlands and Islands and some might remember the HIDB 'Counter Drift' initiative of 50 years ago, and recently published research on which I have previously commented suggests that retention of young people in their home communities is still a serious challenge. Traditional industries no longer guarantee livelihoods and there is perhaps an over reliance on tourism which, with its focus on holiday home rental, contributes to the housing shortage problem of these areas.
Some 30 years ago the report Initiative on the Edge wisely advocated closer integration of public authority development objectives, and there is an urgent need for considerably more such action now to address economic, social, and cultural developments to retain youth and vitality in ageing peripheral communities. This should enable a number of government developmental objectives to be delivered simultaneously and maximise value from public sector investment. As Professor Jim Hunter observed in the recent Sabhal Mor Ostaig Annual Lecture nothing is impossible when there is a will!
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