Among the issues discussed were:
Litterpick: This will take place over the first two weeks of April. ACC will purchase 12 adult and six child-size litterpickers. Additional litter pickers will be borrowed from Highland Council.
Camusnagaul Bottlebank: A neighbour of the bottlebank descibed how the
facility was lost recently in a storm and asked that it not be replaced in
the Camusnagaul location. The neighbour spends time keeping the area tidy
and would prefer an alternative site is found. Alternative places had
previously been identified but all were found unsuitable by the community and/or Highland Council. It was noted that the new bottle recycling scheme would do
away with the need for the bottle banks so may remove the problem in the
longer term.
First aid training: A survey to gauge interest will take place.
Roads: The capital roads programme for 2023/24 was shared and it was noted that several problem road sections on A861 and B8043 had been included on the list, although the budget has still to be finalised. It was highlighted that verges on the A861 are being damaged by increased use by traffic and better marking for passing places (many have lost their signs) was suggested as well as promotion of the
protocol for using passing places. Committee members will contact Police about driver education and Pauline Donaldson about replacing passing place signs.
Delay to MV Corran: Highland Council has given April as a provisional date for MV Corran's return and a plan was laid out involving restriction for vehicles exceeding 3.5 tonnes; warning signs; reduced speed limits and marshalling at slipways. Councillor Sarah Fanet advised the group that the 3.5 tonne limits was being reconsidered.
Joint meeting of community councils: Most CCs were willing to support electric ferries if funding was available but there was no consensus on a diesel ferry as an interim measure.
Steering group: The next meeting is expected to discuss infrastructure and the results of the consultation events which took place in Ardgour, Fort William and Strontian.
Fixed link: A fixed link option is planned for inclusion in the Ardgour Place Plan with a focus on securing land. A yes/no vote on a fixed link at Corran was suggested. All CC members agreed that it was too complicated an issue for a yes/no vote and a broad consultation would be preferable.
Police update: PC Campbell provided an update by email:
• Crime: it has been a busier period for us with one thing and another and
everything that has been reported has been dealt with accordingly.
• Licensed Premises: We will continue to visit Licensed Premises as we move
into spring/summer time. We would like to emphasise that there is a responsibility of license holder or designated persons to report any incidents of a criminal nature. This also means events held under a public entertainment license.
• Schools: PC Paige MacDonald has carried out a number of inputs with pupils at Ardnamurchan High School the topic being Social media and Sextortion.
• Station: The station should be open for business to the public in the next 3-5
weeks all being well.
Ardgour Place Plan: The second sounding board group meeting was very productive, with participants working in small groups and able to speak and share
thoughts freely. There are plans for a hand-delivered survey but collection
arrangements are still to be agreed. The consultants have a list of contacts for local
groups and will be getting in touch as time goes on. Once the survey has gone out
there will also be face-to-face presentations for the community.
Highland Council Budget: Concerns have been raised by email about Highland Council's proposal to ask Scottish Government for permission to stop using 50% of second home council tax towards affordable housing. A letter will be drafted to Highland MSPs and local councillors. Cuts to Lochaber Music School grant and Village Hall's Grant were highlighted and Councillor Fanet provided some background to the reasons for the cuts and explained that the focus of the budget was on the cost of living.
Date of next meeting: April 13 (7.30pm) at Treslaig Hall and on Zoom.
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