For me, the consultation on the proposal for a new pharmacy next door to the Lorn Medical Centre is a no-brainer: it’s a yes from me.
I suspect I am one of very many people in the area who have lost count of the number of times they have been issued with a prescription and immediately popped in next door to the wee Boots store to have it completed.
The high street giant is now concentrating its Oban operation in its big George Street store in the town centre.
That’s fine, but the convenience of the Soroba Road shop is – or was – ideal. Indeed, its proximity to the medical centre could not be better. Now pharmacists Ali Kazam, Idreece Khan and Zain Younis want to reopen the business. They are all experienced and have worked in Oban previously.
I definitely support the plan; it can’t come soon enough, in my opinion.
I have become increasingly aware recently – for no reason I can identify – of the frequent threats to staff working in pubs, cafes and shops.
We have all seen the small notices urging folk to be kind to employees but last week’s Police Files detailed a litany of assaults and abuses of people in front-facing jobs tasked with customer satisfaction.
What on earth goes through tiny minds that people consider it acceptable to abuse and assault low-paid workers such as these?
Yes, there are always occasions when we have grounds for complaint but for goodness sake, put across your concerns in a measured manner and politely. Apart from anything else, you will have a far greater chance of a successful resolution if you are nice.
As my late grandmother used to say: “You will catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar!”
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