Remembrance remains vital
Once again I was moved by the splendid Remembrance Day tributes in Oban and across Argyll and the Isles to our fallen in wars.
I remain as convinced as ever that we must continue each autumn to honour our war dead, and was gratified that it was done so comprehensively and movingly.
The marvellous turnout included people of all ages and backgrounds; indeed, youngsters from Oban High School played a prominent role (as they do every year), with the school’s pipe band leading the parade, and the head girl and head boy laying a wreath.
We come together so well as a community at this time of year to remember.
Like many others, however, I was shocked by the behaviour of a few followers of one football team, who refused to observe the silence before a kick-off last Sunday. These ignorant fools do not realise that many of their own ancestors fought and died for us.
A good friend of mine in Oban, Jim McLeish, has the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders’ motto “Ne Obliviscaris” tattooed on one forearm; it means Do Not Forget, and I – and, thankfully, the vast majority of us – echo that.
Great idea
I was intrigued to read the letter last week from Dorothy Macdonald of Oban in praise of an NHS initiative called Hospital at Home.
As the name suggests, of course, this service provides hospital treatments for people in their own homes. Dorothy was fulsome in her appreciation of the care interventions – some of it pretty hi-tech – which she underwent after being brought low by pneumonia.
I am not, obviously, a doctor or other medical person, so was completely convinced by Dorothy’s description of the thoroughness of her treatment. Given the choice, I ken weel where I would rather be!
Patients aside, though, this must offer a significant cost benefit to the NHS. It’s a great idea.
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