Deserved accolade
I thought a while back that I’d defer comment on Oban being crowned Town of the Year until this fag end week of 2024.
The accolade was clearly thoroughly deserved, and was warmly received, but was greeted in some quarters with little surprise. I thought it was probably worth my consideration after the celebrations were over.
For one thing, this triumph was the result of much hard work by many people; some were in the private sector, some in the public.
However, much of it (perhaps the lion’s share) was down to the superb work of BID4Oban, the town’s business organisation under the command of boss banana Andy Spence, a wholly splendid fellow altogether, whom I hold in the highest regard. Much of the transformation seen in Oban in recent years has been credited to the work of BID4Oban, with its team forging new links with businesses, organisations and people to make things happen since the organisation’s launch in 2012.
All of us who are lucky enough to have roots in and connections with Oban should raise a glass to Andy and his team this festive season.
Cheers guys!
I say! My use last week of an old aphorism voiced often by my grandmother – you will catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar – prompted a sibling to recall our old dad frequently saying: “You can let your worst enemy prune your roses” – in other words, you can’t hurt them by being severe.
As you might expect, that had us blethering about old words of wisdom; I personally take great pleasure in hearing them and so would ask you dear readers to share yours here.
Do please indulge me and send your favourite quotes to me at the address below. In turn, I shall pass them on here.
And finally …
May I wish all you dear readers a very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa brings you all you desire and that you have a most enjoyable festive season.
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