NFU Mutual insures three quarters of the UK’s farmers and are all too familiar with the damage that livestock worrying can cause. Dog attacks on farm animals can result in horrific and often fatal injuries and even if a dog doesn’t catch an animal, the distress of a chase can cause sheep to miscarry their lambs and sometimes die from exhaustion.
Thankfully dog attacks on farm animals in Scotland has decreased by 13 per cent last year but horrific incidents continue to cause suffering to livestock and anxiety for farmers.
The fall in reported incidents of livestock worrying to Police Scotland last year has been welcomed but a spate of attacks in 2021 has sparked warnings to those visiting the countryside to keep their pets under control.
Mark McBrearty, regional manager for Scotland at NFU Mutual, said: ‘We are encouraged by the decrease in Scotland last year and it is a testament to the proactive work which has been led by police and farming groups.
‘However, horrific incidents continue to cause unbearable suffering to farm animals as well as huge anxiety for farmers and their families as they deal with the aftermath.
‘With more people walking in the countryside as Covid restrictions continue and an increase in dog ownership, we have seen many more brutal attacks resulting in large numbers of sheep being killed and a trail of horrific injuries.
‘It’s a critical time in the farming calendar and there is widespread concern as we enter the peak lambing season, that there will be a surge in new visitors who are simply unaware of the Scottish Outdoor Access Code or how their dog will behave around farm animals.
‘We want people to enjoy the countryside as it’s so important for people’s wellbeing. It’s vital that dog owners act responsibly and keep dogs on a lead and under control whenever there is a possibility livestock are nearby.’
Police Inspector Alan Dron, national rural crime coordinator, said: ‘Through consistently raising awareness of this emotive offence, Police Scotland takes any report of livestock attacks or worrying seriously. This has resulted in more dog attacks being reported and investigated plus, where applicable, owners brought before the courts.
‘Unfortunately too many instances of dogs attacking or worrying livestock still occur and whilst we want everyone to enjoy our countryside, it is important that dog owners or those in charge exercise greater caution when accessing rural areas, particularly if livestock are present.’
NFU Scotland’s head of policy team, Gemma Cooper said: 'It is imperative that dog owners ensure that their pets are controlled in the countryside.
'We continue to see the devastating impacts of dog attacks on livestock and this crime is completely unacceptable.
'Unfortunately, we know of a number of cases where farmers have been left with no choice but to shoot dogs that have worried livestock.
Any dog, including the most placid family pet, can inflict horrific damage to animals such as sheep. Particularly during lambing season, dogs must not be taken into fields of young lambs.
'Given that livestock attacks and dog fouling are two of the biggest issues that farmers, crofters and landowners face through the irresponsible actions of dog owners, the Union is urging Scotland’s MSPs to support and strengthen the measures in the landmark Protection of Livestock Bill, as it makes its way through the Scottish Parliament.
'NFU Scotland has worked closely with Emma Harper MSP, the member in charge for the Bill which would significantly increase penalties and powers for investigation.'
To make dog walking safe, NFU Mutual is issuing the following advice:
• Always keep dogs on the lead when walking in rural areas where livestock are kept but let go of the lead if you are chased by cattle
• Be aware that even small dogs can chase, injure and kill farm animals
• Take special care to keep close control of dogs unused to farm animals
• Report attacks by dogs and sightings of dogs roaming the countryside to the police or local farmers
• Don’t let dogs loose and unsupervised in gardens adjoining livestock fields – many attacks are caused by dogs which escape and attack sheep grazing nearby
Advice on preventing dogs attacking livestock is available from NFU Mutual’s website:
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