Comhairle nan Eilean Siar hopes places at pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship level will be filled.
Lews Castle College UHI has state-of-the-art workshops which allow students to combine practical work with classroom education, offering a unique learning experience and well-established connections with local businesses.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar apprenticeship manager Dolina Smith said: ‘The apprenticeships delivered by Lews Castle College UHI offer an entrance into a diverse range of roles within the construction sector. I would encourage any individual interested in a career in construction to register an interest with Lews Castle College UHI.
‘Working alongside Lews Castle College UHI and Skills Development Scotland, the comhairle’s Accredited Skills and Training Team provide advice and guidance to ensure the best possible route to an apprenticeship through work experience, pre-apprenticeships and careers support.’
To register with the accredited skills and training team and find out more about getting into the construction industry, email
The Western Isles has a strong construction sector and local contractors always need young employees to strengthen their workforces.
Speaking about how the training is geared towards fulfilling local positions, Roddy Ferguson, head of technology at Lews Castle College UHI, said: ‘Lews Castle College UHI supports the local construction industry by providing a realistic work setting where apprentices are taught by experienced tutors whilst gaining key trade and employability skills and knowledge in a safe and supportive environment.
‘Our range of pre-apprenticeship courses provide the ideal preparation for progression into a range of Modern Apprenticeships in construction. To find out more visit the course pages at or to speak to someone to discuss your options please email’
Further information on construction apprenticeships can be found on the Construction Industry Training Board’s website at
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Lews Castle College UHI apprentices are taught by experienced tutors. No_F23construction01
Lews Castle College UHI students learn in well-equipped workshops. No_F23construction02
Joinery students at Lews Castle College UHI learn highly sought after construction skills. No_F23construction03
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