Unmaintained trees on council ground could kill, an Oban business has warned.
Mary-Ann Murray who is manager at Hire & Supplies Ltd in Mill Lane was speaking out after one of the danger trees toppled over at the weekend, crushing part of the yard’s new £25,000 fence and damaging a parked digger.
"If the tree had fallen the other way onto the road, it could’ve killed someone. If it broke through the top of a digger like that, what would it do to a car? The weekend’s storm hasn’t dug under the tree’s roots like that, they were already showing above ground. It was just a matter of time before it came down, " said Mary-Ann, who has been battling with Argyll and Bute Council to remove the trees that she fears are a serious safety risk.
Last year the council did remove some branches from the trees after she complained but that was not enough to make them safer, Mary-Ann told The Oban Times. Because the trees are on council land, only the council can maintain them.
The tall trees, which line part of Lochavullin Road, have been a headache for the tools business for years, looming large over its yard.
Two years ago, one of the tree fell and broke through a previous fence leaving a gap that allowed a break-in, said Mary-Ann. A £20,000 jeep and about £10,000 worth of goods were stolen, hitting the business hard.
After that, Hire & Supplies Ltd, which rents its premises from the council, put up a more solid fence to completely surround the yard for protection at its own expense. But panels on that fence now need to be replaced, says Mary-Ann, who is calling on the council to get it fixed and pick up the cost.
"One hundred per cent they should fix it and pay for it," she added.
"How much more as a business do we have to endure to keep trading in this yard?
In an email to Argyll and Bute council, Mary-Ann wrote: "When you had the branches taken of the trees I assume you had a check done on the chances of these trees coming down. Could we please see this report?
"The roots were already showing out of the ground. If this tree had gone over the other way you could be looking at it landing on the main road and possible loss of life from it hitting a car. These trees need immediate attention before someone is injured or worse killed."
An Argyll and Bute spokesperson told The Oban Times: “This incident has just been brought to our attention and we are carrying out investigations.”
After no direct response from the council to her email, and with another storm due on Tuesday night, Mary-Ann informed Argyll and Bute officials that she had to get someone to chainsaw down another dangerous tree that was hanging over their side that was causing her concern for customers’ and staff welfare.
Hire & Supplies Ltd is also in dispute with the council seeking flood damage support, after extreme weather in November cost it in excess of an estimated £100,000.
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