In his first major statement to Parliament on April 18, the First Minister Humza Yousaf said three missions, centred on the themes of equality, opportunity and community, will be central to his government.
Mr Yousaf revealed the launch of Deposit Return Scheme will be put back from August 2023 to March 2024, and that proposals on alcohol advertising will go “back to the drawing board”, as well as the "delivery of six new vessels to serve Scotland’s ferry network".
Titled ‘New Leadership - A Fresh Start’, the prospectus details the key aims the government intends to achieve in each Cabinet portfolio, working with the Scottish Green Party to build on the Bute House Agreement.
Actions set out by the First Minister and the prospectus document "to tackle poverty, build a fairer, greener and growing economy, and improve public services by 2026" also include a ‘New Deal for Scottish Business’, with "urgent discussion to agree how government can better support businesses and communities using policy levers such as Non-Domestic Rates".
It also confirms "a further £1.3 billion investment for the Scottish Child Payment over the next three years", and "investment of up to £25 million to convert suitable properties into affordable homes for key workers and others, as part of an action plan to increase housing in remote, rural and island areas".
It also promises "a six-month pilot removing peak-time fares from ScotRail services from October to make rail travel more accessible, available and affordable," and "a doubling of the charge point network for electric vehicles to at least 6,000".
His statement was largely overshadowed by the arrest of the SNP's treasurer, Colin Beattie, on Tuesday morning by police officers who are investigating the party's finances.
The First Minister said: “Scotland is a land of opportunity, I’m very proud of that fact, I’m proud to be a product of that.
"My grandparents came to this country in the 1960s, barely speaking English, little money in their pockets. Despite the challenges they faced, and at times hostility they faced due to their background, they overcame those barriers and provided a life for their children, and for their grandchildren that I will forever be grateful for.
“It is my responsibility to ensure every family in Scotland has that equality of opportunity, regardless of their background or where they live in Scotland.
“I am optimistic we can achieve that equality of opportunity, and the three missions that I have set out today, will determine the priorities of the government that I lead for the rest of this parliamentary session, and help us to achieve that.
“Together, we will be focused on the delivery, we will ensure that we have affordable, ambitious measures in place, which protect our environment, which protect business prosperity, they improve people’s well-being, and they reduce poverty.
"They will ensure the actions we take over the next three years, stand Scotland in good stead for the next decade to come. And they will use our present, very significant, strengths to deliver a fresh start for Scotland.”
In the document, Màiri McAllan MSP said: "As the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition, working with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have: delivered six new major vessels on the ferry network, [and] improved the resilience of the transport network to climate change impacts, with immediate focus on the medium term solution for the A83 Rest and Be Thankful, whilst progressing the permanent solution."
Ms McAllan also committed to "have made progress towards halting biodiversity loss and reversing declines, protecting 30 per cent of our land and seas for nature by 2030, including enhancing protection for our most precious marine areas, improved our evidence base on Scotland's critical blue carbon environments, and have proposed the designation of a new National Park."
She also also promised to have "increased the recyclability of packaging, including recycling 90 per cent of single use drinks containers through the UK's first Deposit Return Scheme, and modernised local authority recycling infrastructure supported by our Recycling Improvement Fund."
Michael Matheson MSP said: "As the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, working in partnership with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have delivered year on year reductions in waiting lists with new National Treatment Centres (NTCs) in NHS Highland [and] taken decisive preventative action to reduce alcohol harm, including reviewing minimum unit pricing, and ensured smoking rates remain on track to make Scotland tobacco-free by 2034."
Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP said: "As the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, working with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have published a Remote, Rural and Island Housing Action Plan; setting out our approach to rural housing delivery, including support for community housing trusts, and actions to allow suitable properties, including empty homes, to be purchased, or long leased, and turned into affordable housing for those who need them in rural areas, including key workers."
Mairi Gougeon MSP said: "As the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands, working with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have introduced Land Reform legislation to further improve transparency of land ownership, helped ensure large scale land holdings deliver in the public interest, and empowered communities by providing more opportunities to own land and have more say in how land in their area is used."
Ms Gougeon also vowed to create "new crofting opportunities through delivery of the National Development Plan for Crofting and reformed the law, subject to agreement by parliament, to support the future of crofting," and to have "taken steps to further protect and restore our iconic Atlantic rainforests and ancient Caledonian pinewoods, and increased woodland creation in Scotland to 18,000 hectares per year, sequestering carbon for decades to come, delivering biodiversity gains and ensuring a reliable supply of raw material for the timber processing sector".
She also promised to have "maximised the power of our land and forests to help tackle climate change, protect nature and provide good green jobs, by delivering up to 110,000 hectares of restored peatland – four times the size of the Edinburgh City Council area – with 10,700 hectares in 2023-24, an increase of 40 per cent on 2022-23."
Angus Robertson MSP said: "As the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, working with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have built the case for a socially just, independent Scotland within the European Union [and] given the people of Scotland the information they need to make an informed choice about whether Scotland should become an independent country."
The decision to U-turn on controversial alcohol marketing proposals was welcomed by Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron, who said the move would come as "a relief to businesses across the area".
Mr Cameron said a number of local businesses, including breweries and distilleries – as well as smaller businesses dependent on the wider industry – were furious at the contentious Scottish Government plans.
The Scottish Government's consultation included proposals to ban alcohol-related merchandise and advertising, with industry leaders warning the move could put a number of companies out of business.
Mr Cameron said: “These proposals were alarming, poorly-thought out, and would have risked the future of a number of businesses and limited opportunities for many more.
“The impact on vital economic areas like tourism would have been devastating. Those put at risk by these shambolic plans will be relieved at this U-turn.
“I welcome the decision by Humza Yousaf to go back to the drawing board on this. It’s now important that ministers listen to businesses across the Highlands and Islands and allow them to help shape any future plans.”
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