Friday November 13, 2009
Wide Awake youngsters storm to the rescue
Everyone pulled together to help find a missing dog in the Westport area last week.
On hearing the owner's distress the Wide Awake team from Campbeltown jumped into action and along with the green-keepers of Machrihanish Golf Club and Machrihanish Dunes the lost dog was found.
The dog, which had been missing overnight, was found on Machrihanish Dunes by several Wide Awake team members.
Ian McVicar, employed by Community Learning and Regeneration in Campbeltown, who coordinates the group, said: 'Young people so often get a bad press, yet here were a group who cancelled a trip just to help someone in distress.'
A relieved owner, Martin McMillan, thanked all concerned and was delighted to get Storm back.
The Wide Awake Club is an employment club, which provides its members with ways to overcome barriers to employment.
Campbeltown's Wide Awake team with Martin McMillan and Storm. NO_c46files01
Friday November 18, 1994
US Navy confirms Machrihanish pull-out
The United States Navy has confirmed that it is planning to pull out of Machrihanish.
A spokesman for United States European Command in Germany confirmed this week the Ministry of Defence has been notified that it planned to withdraw its 80 naval commandos from RAF Machrihanish by next spring.
Naval Special Warfare Unit No2 has been stationed at Machrihanish since 1980.
As well as the 80 commandos at the base there are also around 40 family members who will be with them.
The pull-out could have an effect on local schools which have American children on their roles.
Campbeltown Grammar School already has 20 pupils fewer than expected because of the rundown of the RAF base. Last month rector William Crossan said staffing levels were being reviewed and two teaching posts could be lost at the school.
On Monday Lieutenant Commander Mark Farley of the US Navy told the Kintyre Working Group that there was only a 'remote possibility' that a pull-out would be cancelled. He added: 'But you can be sure of our desire to stay.
'An outstanding relationship has been built up with the local people, and it is a perfect location, with great training facilities.'
It is understood that no alternative location for the unit has been identified yet.
And RAF spokesman said there had been talks with the US military about the withdrawal.
'The future of the base is under continuing review and the departure of the US Navy is not the only factor which has to be taken into account.'
In June RAF Machrihanish was reduced to 'care and maintenance' status.
Thursday November 13, 1969
Shellfish plant operational
Campbeltown at last has a stake in the new, growing shellfish processing industry.
Two local men, Mr George McMillan and Mr Duncan L. McMillan, have set up a processing plant in the former slaughterhouse buildings, and are employing, at present, three people.
Operating under the name Davaar Seafoods, they are consigning to Aberdeen an average of 15 stones of processed scallops per day. This output is expected to increase next week, when they will employ an additional three workers.
At present 30 bags of the 'queenie' scallops are being processed daily. By the beginning of December it is hoped that 40 bags will be handled.
Mr George McMillan said that it is hoped eventually to employ from 18 to 20 people. He stressed that meantime Davaar Seafoods was occupying only part of the slaughterhouse building on a temporary basis. He mentioned that the firm was 'hoping to get the whole building'.
Samples of Davaar Seafoods produce were sent to consumers in Chicago and Paris and opinions passed on the quality of the samples were favourable.
The scallop processing method employed is a simple one. The shellfish are dipped into hot water, and the shells open. The insides of the creatures are removed and scraped clean. Then the meat is thoroughly washed.
Shellfish factories are operating successfully in Tarbert and Port Ellen.
Harmony Hour guests of R.A.F. on 5th
The 5th of November, 1969 will long be remembered by the members of Campbeltown Harmony Hour Club who were guests at an excellent fireworks display at R.A.F. Machrihanish.
The 'bus loads of senior citizens were welcomed at the airport by Squadron Leader A. N. McGlashan, on behalf of the station Commanding Officer.
Founder member of the club, Mrs M. McKinlay of Stewarton, pressed the button which set off the magnificent fireworks display and bonfire.
The station youth group served hot soup and sausage rolls to the visitors and attended to the comfort of the old people.
Saturday November 15, 1919
8th Argylls cadre home
The cadre of the 1/8th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, consisting of 20 men and 4 officers, under command of Major A. Lockie, which left France on Sunday, arrived at the headquarters of the battalion at Dunoon about mid-day on Monday.
They were given a hearty welcome when they landed at Dunoon, the Provost, Magistrates and Town Council receiving them officially.
Maclachlan of Maclachlan, convener of the county, Colonel H. Burnley Campbell, and others also extended a cordial welcome, the men being cheered as they marched with the colours to headquarters.
The cadre was entertained at a civic luncheon in McColl's Hotel in the afternoon.
Those present said they were delighted to welcome home the local battalion. Throughout the war they had watched with pride the heroic work performed by the battalion, and they would remember with gratitude the sacrifices that had been made.
Maclachlan of Maclachlan mentioned that the total casualties of the 1/8th Argylls during the war were 230 officers and 4100 other ranks.
The honours of the regiment received were one V.C., two D.S.O.'s, many M.C.'s and M.M.'s, and other lesser honours.
Major Lockie, who commanded the cadre, acknowledged the cordial welcome they had received.
A day of remembrance
The King's desire that the first anniversary of the Armistice should be observed by a two minutes silence in reverent remembrance of the glorious dead was fulfilled all over the country on Tuesday.
In London wreaths were laid on the Cenotaph in Whitehall. These included one from the King and Queen, one from President Poincaré and one from the Prime Minister.
The scenes in the streets of Glasgow were full of solemnity, when all traffic stopped and the crowds stood in reverent silence as the clocks stuck eleven. Work ceased in the Clyde shipyards and on the shipping in the river.
In Campbeltown the signal was given by the sounding of three long syren blasts from H.M.S. Thames, and the fallen were honoured by the uncovering of heads.
Of course in a comparatively quiet country town the tribute lacked the impressiveness that characterised it in busy cities.
In the Grammar School the scholars assembled in the large room at 10.45a.m., when the rector gave a short address on the meaning of the celebration, read the King's message, and explained shortly the aims of the League of Nations Union.
A hymn as then sung, the two minutes' silence observed, and after the National Anthem had been sung, the pupils were dismissed for the day.
In Dalintober School the period of silence was similarly observed and the scholars were afterwards dismissed.
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