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Gallery: The best images from day two of Clipper Race arrivals

A selection of the best photos from the second day of Clipper Race arrivals. 


Following the arrival of Perseverance late on Friday 12 July, five more yachts had arrived in Oban by midday on Saturday. 


Zuhai, Ha Long Bay Viet Nam, Yacht Club Punta del este, Unicef, and Qingdao are now moored at Oban Pontoons. 

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Perseverance crew pop open a bottle of champagne Perseverance crew Smiles from the crew The winning yacht A warm embraceSeadogs Bid4Oban's Andrew Spence climbs onboardThe crew pass around whiskyThe winning teamSkipper Ineke Van Der Weijden and Mate Joss CresswellThe finishers lined up on Saturday morningHard at workSail repairWarm greetingsOn deck in the sunYacht Club Punta Del EsteArrival of QingdaoAndrew Spence welcomes Qingdao to ObanCheers from QingdaoSmiles from Qingdao crewMedia dutiesZuhaiAt work on Zuhai
Perseverance crew pop open a bottle of champagne Perseverance crew Smiles from the crew The winning yacht A warm embraceSeadogs Bid4Oban's Andrew Spence climbs onboardThe crew pass around whiskyThe winning teamSkipper Ineke Van Der Weijden and Mate Joss CresswellThe finishers lined up on Saturday morningHard at workSail repairWarm greetingsOn deck in the sunYacht Club Punta Del EsteArrival of QingdaoAndrew Spence welcomes Qingdao to ObanCheers from QingdaoSmiles from Qingdao crewMedia dutiesZuhaiAt work on Zuhai

The Clippers will be in Oban all week, with a slu of events to celebrate, a festival of the sea. 

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