A £70 million investment programme to deliver vital economic growth for Argyll and Bute has been signed by the Scottish and UK governments.
The 10 year Rural Growth Deal (RGD) will see a shared £50 million contribution to the programme from both governments with Argyll and Bute Council and its partners providing at least £20 million of match funding.
The deal is designed to deliver at least 300 additional jobs, training opportunities for more than 6,000 people, support for business growth, new housing and worker accommodation, and more than 70,000 additional visitors to the area every year.
Up to £3 million towards workers accommodation on Mull and Islay are part of the deal as is £3.33m to SAMS at Dunstaffnage for a new innovation facility at the European Marine Science Park helping upscale seaweed and shellfish industries by giving them access to state-of-the-art research and more.
The West Coast UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Logistics and Training Hub project will also be supported with investment of up to £4 million from the UK Government. This project will involve investing in new business park infrastructure at Oban Airport so it can become a leading research and development centre for UAV technologies, building on the success of recent pioneering trials using drone technology to provide essential services to some of Scotland’s most fragile rural and island communities. It will deliver Scotland’s first specialised drone training and research centre. It will also provide state-of-the-art hangars with maintenance facilities for UAVs and general aviation aircraft.
An Islay Low Carbon Economy project is set to get £3m and the deal includes £2m funding for Kintyre Sea Sports and a new two-storey water sports hub on Campbeltown Loch.
Argyll and Bute council leader Jim Lynch said: “This is significant and very welcome investment in the economy and longer term future of Argyll and Bute. Our area boasts a number of key industries that support not only our local economy, but that of Scotland and the UK more widely.
“Scotland and the UK need rural and island areas like Argyll and Bute to succeed, and this growth deal is key to achieving that success. Partnership has been key in reaching this stage and will continue to be so. I look forward to working with our national and local partners in transforming this investment into economic benefit for Argyll and Bute.”
Signing the transformational deal, the last of Scotland’s 12 city and growth deals, was "an extra special moment," said Scottish Secretary Ian Murray.
Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes said: “The deal will support projects to drive innovation in marine science, support training that enables local people to access jobs and boost tourism to deliver sustainable economic growth. The deal’s signing fulfils our commitment to ensuring that all areas of Scotland are supported by Growth Deal funding.”
To find out more about other projects benefitting from the rural growth deal, check out the council’s website.
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