A major development of holiday apartments is being proposed on the outskirts of Brodick.
A Scottish building firm has applied for planning permission to build 39 holiday homes in the woodland and former garden centre on the road to Lamlash.
It is the site of the proposal by the Douglas Hotel eight years ago to build a hotel and a row of holiday apartments known as the new ’12 Apostles of Catacol’. That development never went ahead, but the new plans are similar. At that time there was concern at the loss of trees as a result of the development.
Beechtree Wright Ltd of Denny, Stirlingshire, is behind the new proposals under consideration by planning officials at North Ayrshire Council.
Currently the application site is vacant scrub and woodland. The proposed redevelopment of the site for tourism would accommodate 28 two-bedroom apartments and 11 two-bedroom two storey houses, with generous green amenity provision, associated access, parking and servicing arrangements.
The developers say the existing green setting has been a key consideration in this proposal, retained and enhanced to create an open attractive environment, preserve habitat and enhance resident lifestyle.
Pedestrian and vehicle access is located to either side of the development, adjacent to the main road. A network of footpaths is planned within the site.
According to a design statement, prepared by IDPartnership-Group: "The range of accommodation has been designed specifically for this location to create a unique proposal.
"Apartments and houses proposed vary in size and create contemporary homes with generous living spaces, natural light to create comfortable holiday home from homes.
Large picture windows give clear views towards the coast, Goatfell, the burn and woodlands. Designs have been inspired by local materials and building narratives. The stone walls that are found all over the island and encompass the woodland site today have been a key element in the design process."
The houses would be built in three separate blocks. In Plot A there are 28 two-bedroom apartments and 14 two-storey units with off-street parking. Plot B has 11 two-bedroom, two storey houses with parking to the rear.
The dwellings in Plot B are set off the existing stonewall enclosing the site to the east, their terrace form inspired by the many row houses found on the island. Buildings are pushed back from the main road leaving space for the stone wall and planting to the front.
In the design statement the developers accept: "The development of additional holiday homes could divert visitors from other, existing, tourist accommodation or potentially relocate staff from similar facilities. However, Arran is a popular holiday and visitor destination with a recognised demand for holiday accommodation which has continued to grow over the last 10 years.
"The proposed development will generate local jobs, apprenticeships, visitors and investment. It will have a positive economic effect on Arran and the wider North Ayrshire areas. The additional visitors attracted to the island will have a positive effect on local businesses and links will be forged with other businesses on the island."
The planning application is under consideration by North Ayrshire Council planning officials.
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