The new route would link up with the design of the active travel track between Lorne Street and the Lochgilphead Joint Campus, extending a safe and direct active travel way between Ardrishaig, the canal, Lochgilphead and the Joint Campus, the Sports Centre, Kilmore Industrial Estate and the council HQ.
Argyll and Bute Council is currently completing a consultation on the preferred route and plan.
Views are being collected through an online survey which is open for comment until September 28.
The travel project were first proposed in the 2016 Rethink the Link plan and was championed by the Lochgilphead Phoenix Project, a not-for-profit charitable organisation set up to help regenerate the town.
Supporters of the route point to the perceived poor safety of the Corran roundabout and the lack of a safe route for cyclists and walkers between the Lochgilphead Front Green path and the Crinan Canal.
A concept design was produced in 2020 but due to concerns raised over the initial options appraisal, an updated appraisal was "deemed to be required to determine the most suitable and cost-effective route and design".
Argyll and Bute Council commissioned planning and engineering consultants Stantec to carry out an updated options appraisal.
The previous studies have been taken into account as part of Stantec’s work.
The public can learn more about the final concept designs and make comments at a drop-in engagement event at Lochgilphead Baptist Church on Wednesday, September 13, between 3pm and 7pm.
Three options have been brought forward at this stage - a £5.3 million wetland causeway/bridge through the Corran Grazings; a £1.3 million walking/cycling provision to the south of the junction; and a £4.2 million new road bridge with a shared footway.
An Active Mode Appraisal Toolkit (AMAT) assessment suggests the £1.3 million walking/cycling provision to the south of the junction "provides the best balance between cost and improvements in safety and comfort levels for people walking, wheeling and cycling".
Explaining the background of the project and the delays, the council's 'background' notes on the plan said: "A safe and continuous walking and cycling route linking Lochgilphead with Ardrishaig was identified in the 2016 ‘Rethink the Link’ Charrette as a means to encourage more people to walk, wheel and cycling for everyday journeys between these two important settlements in mid Argyll.
"The benefits of an improved active travel link between Lochgilphead and Crinan Canal, which forms part of the NCN 78 Caledonia Way, was also recognised as being important and would help to promote the presence of the Crinan Canal and the NCN.
"A concept design for a route was produced in 2020; however as a result of feedback from Sustrans (the project sponsors) and changes to the design standards for cycling infrastructure (Cycling by Design was updated in 2021) it was felt that the initial concept design was no longer appropriate and a further and more robust options appraisal was required in order to progress the project towards the delivery stages.
"In 2021 Stantec were appointed to undertake a new options appraisal and arrive at a concept design for this route.
"The new options appraisal required Stantec to recommend a preferred route option and design that for a route that provided a high level of service in line with the new cycling by design principles and standards.
"Another key factor in determining the preferred route option was that it was required to demonstrate a high degree of deliverability and represented the best opportunity for attracting future external funding for the project.
"The project currently only has funding up to design stage 2 (concept design).
"Between January 30 and February 27 2023 Stantec led a public consultation seeking people's thoughts on a number of route option ideas.
"The findings from this previous consultation can be viewed in the March 2023 Community Engagement Report.
"The findings from the earlier consultation was one of a number a contributing factors in helping to determine the route option that is recommend in the Options Appraisal Report."
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