We want PDA 4023 at Ganavan REMOVED from the Local Development Plan 2.
We understand the timeline for LDP2 is that it will be submitted for examination by the Scottish Government in June 2021 along with objections.
It is possible for the council to make changes to the proposed LDP2 at the full council meeting before this plan goes for examination - this can include the removal of a site or sites.
We are told any change may involve a lengthy delay with the plan being put out to consultation once again. However, FoG feels that if LDP2 is to be a framework for the future of Argyll and Bute, it has to take the results of any consultation process into full consideration before being sent to the Scottish Government. With 143 representations against housing on PDA 4023, the most strongly objected to PDA in the whole LDP2, it should mean something. Otherwise, there is no point in a consultation process.
We therefore urge Argyll and Bute Council to remove PDA 4023 at the Pre-Examination stage before it goes to the Scottish Government and reporter.
There is also overwhelming feeling about H4006. H4006 is sited astride the Caledonia Cycle Path and is currently allocated for 137 houses. Come to the top of the cycle track and you will be surrounded by housing. FoG feedback says housing in this area would ruin the natural environment which is currently enjoyed by many thousands of people using the cycle path every year.
We ask everyone who has not done so to let their elected councillors know how much the area means to them. Some of the ward councillors say they have not received enough evidence that people are against housing on the green areas. They are our elected representatives and should represent the will of their electorate.
FoG will use the community survey results to provide evidence to councillors. We have
written to key decision makers in Argyll and Bute Council stating the will of the people is to remove PDA 4023 from the Local Plan.
The FoG Facebook group now has 3,500 members. We are collating your comments to show the strength of local feeling.
We are asking the key decision makers to make a good decision and remove the Ganavan PDA.
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