It is a sad fact that in times when people need support services the most, funding for them is either cut or just not available.
And then it is the support services themselves who need support.
In this case the Snowdrop MS centre and its outreach services which need help.
The three wonderful employees, Claire Paterson, outreach worker; Karen McCurry, centre manager, and Laurene Cameron, wellbeing development worker, go above and beyond to provide people across Mid Argyll, Kintyre, Islay and Jura with help they cannot easily access elsewhere.
There are many people across the area who rely on these services to help them face the day, to socialise, to get help with finding the services they need or are entitled to.
Now the MS Centre staff are calling for help to keep provide the funds they need to keep providing these lifelines.
Karen herself is taking part in the Kilted Walk at the end of April in an effort to raise funds.
If anyone has a spare pound or two, no matter how few, please consider sponsoring Karen on her justgiving page (search for Karen McCurry) which has raised more than £2,300 in a week - which is fantastic but more is needed - or Scott McMillan who is running the London Marathon on his ‘scottrunslondon’ Justgiving page.
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