John and Jan Bryden recently returned home to Lochailort after a five-day trip to Ukraine at the end of November that saw them and their elderly van cover 2,500 miles to distribute aid to children in need.
Three years ago, the charity's respite centre at Lochailort was devastated when flooding caused massive damage to the property.
As volunteers and trustees contributed to 5,000 hours of work to rebuild the property, ready for re-opening for respite care, it was still forced to close for months regardless, because of 24-hour-a-day working on the damaged adjacent railway line.
John and Jan were therefore unable to fundraise, but when it became apparent children were being killed by in the war in Ukraine, the couple knew the charity had to get involved.
They rallied the Lochaber community and after five weeks of explaining to people what they wanted to do, the charity had collected £12,500 worth of gifted clothing food and other life saving equipment.
The next task was to get it to its destination. John, the charity's chairperson, is a retired police officer and remains a member of the International Police Association.
Through his association links he got access to Ukrainian authorities and authorisation for him and Jan to deliver the aid personally to sites in Ukraine.
Unable to fund a vehicle specifically for the trip, John and Jan's old MOT-failure rust bucket of a van needed to be brought back into life and many hours of hard work by the couple saw it finally ready for the off.
The couple set off in the van, towing a heavily-laden trailer. Once inside war-torn Ukraine, they were given a uninformed soldier as a guide each day to take lifesaving food and aid to the most desperately in need children and families.
Witnessing the most traumatic suffering first hand and while under rocket attacks, they carried on distributing their load.
Once safely back home in Lochaber, their only thought was to return as soon as possible with more supplies.
To this end they have again appealed to the generosity of the Lochaber community to support
John described to the Lochaber Times what the trip had been like: 'When driving in the worst winter conditions when the cold grips your inner core, the air raids sirens scream across town. Then the missile strikes ahead. The lights go out. All lights, the city deep into darkness. Trams lurch to a dark stop. Traffic lights go out. Everything's in darkness. Then the sound of a drone and an explosion in the distance.'
He and Jan added: 'We carry on meeting women with children who have walked for hours to meet with us. A plastic carrier bag of food. We hand it over and warm baby clothing. Tears of gratitude often followed. It's hard to comprehend the hardship. We feel the cold but we have a heated van - they have nothing as the temperature drops below minus eight degrees. No child should suffer in this way.
'We need to get back as the desperation gets worse as winter sets in.'
Jan continued: 'It made me smile when yet another siren bellowed out across town and an old lady looked up flapped her arm at the direction of the drone and said, 'oh just go away'.'
And John added: 'Instead of resting, the guys on the front line rotated to help provide aid. They were so incredibly grateful to Scotland for helping get to them. They had a soldier work with us every day so we could get the aid distributed into the hands of these desperate souls.'
CAPTION: Jan sorts out aid from the couple's van in Ukraine ready to hand it out to families in need. NO F01 Jan sorting aid to hand out directly to those in need
Extra pics:
The Brydens' old van adorned with its new decals for the trip to Ukraine. NO-F01-Aid-decals
Jan is bundled up to keep warm in the van. NO-F01-Bundled-up-to-stay-warm
Jan with charity mascot, Eyore. NO-F01-Eyore-our-charity-mascot
Jan gives a 'high five' to a Ukrainian youngster. NO F01 High five
The tension and stress from such a dangerous trip can clearly be seen on Jan's face in this photograph as she bags up supplies in Ukraine. NO F01 Jans face says it all
The Brydens' van and trailer all loaded and ready for the off. NO F01 Ready to leave Kirstys Kids Trust House
The Brydens' trailer in the freezing conditions. NO F01 Trailer after full of aid
Piles of aid ready for the trip. NO F01 Vacuum sealed aid
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