The editor - Lochaber Times
Lochaber Life
Highland Council - Fort William
Angus MacDonald MP
Kate Forbes MSP
Dear sir or madam
I am writing because I am fuming about the amount of dog poop there is at Alma Road.
As a result, wherever you look you see dog poop when my teacher takes me and my class to swimming lessons on a Thursday.
It is disgusting if you get it on your shoes, clothes or hands and can be really hard to clean off!
Firstly, it can contain worms, bacteria and other harmful substances that can cause disease! another reason is, it can cause stomach aches, sore throat, asthma and in rare cases blindness.
Salmonella can be transmitted to humans from dog faeces and for some people, this can cause serious illness or even death!
My personal opinion is that everyone should pick up their dog’s dirt because you can be fined and have to pay lots of money! In fact, you can pay up to £100 or £1000!
Have you thought of being more reasonable? Did you know that dog dirt affects the world? Another reason is that rats and mice can crawl into it.
Actually, it’s not just Alma Road, it’s everywhere! Even if you have no gloves just get a poo bag, sit it on the ground, put your foot on it so it doesn’t fly away, and get a stick to shove it in!
Just make sure you pick up your dog poop! I hate it! Just stop!
So that’s why I want you to publish this letter.
Harrison, aged 10.
Dear sir or madam
I am writing because there is so much dog poo at Alma Road.
Each week our class walks down to the swimming pool. I strongly believe the dog owners can pick up the dog poo and put it in the bin or please take it home. Next time I hope there is not so much.
It is really disgusting if you get dog poop on your clothes or your new shoes and your hands, and it is really hard to clean off especially on your shoes.
Dog poop can contain worms and bacteria and other harmful things and you can also get diseases from it!
I strongly believe dog poop can attract rats. However, it is illegal if you don’t pick up your dog’s poop from any public place or footpath.
In my opinion all dog owners should buy dog poop bags, also they should make more dog poop bins. I strongly believe they could put the bags in it so the poop is not on the floor.
I also think you should fine them if it happens again. The Council should put posters up so they know that they would get fined with £100. It’s not that much to buy poo bags, they’re only £1 to £2 pounds. Please put up posters?
I strongly believe that all dog owners can put their dog poop in the bin. Surely the dog owners can pick it up, it’s not that hard!
Do you know that dog poop can make people feel sick and it might also cause diseases? It needs to stop right now!
Layton, aged 10.
Dear sir or madam
My class p6 goes swimming with my teacher Mr Ross. We have lessons with Mandy however when we walk on Alma Road we see so much dog dirt all over the road and pavement!
An intelligent person like you would tell people to pick up their dog’s dirt instead of leaving it on the pavement or road.
The real truth is that dog owners need to pick up dog dirt. I have a dog and I pick up its dirt so I think they should do the same.
Do you know how dangerous dog dirt is? You could slip or step in it and if you slip in it you may badly hurt yourself.
I strongly believe that you should make dirtbag stations with free dog dirt bags and gloves to wear as well as that add more dog dirt bins and put up posters saying please pick up your dog’s dirt or pay a fine up to 100-1000 pounds! Then people might pick their dog’s dirt.
Finally I think you should install security cameras on Alma Road so you can see who does not pick up their dog’s dirt and if they do it multiple times they should pay a bigger fine.
Did you know lots of people don’t pick up their dog’s dirt all over the world? I think I made it clear you need to make sure people don’t keep leaving dog dirt on Alma Road.
Did you know dog dirt can contain roundworm eggs? They can become infectious to anyone but particularly children can run the risk of picking them up and swallowing them.
Then the eggs hatch in the intestine wall into the bloodstream and pass through the body and cause harmful diseases and health problems.
However it is also illegal not to pick up your dog’s dirt and you can go to prison. Moreover, dog dirt is disgusting!
The real truth is that dog owners all over the world should pic up their dog’s dirt so people can walk on nice clean pavements. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Bella, aged 10.
Dear sir or madam
I am appalled that there is so much doggy doo on the pavement and road.
My friend told me that she saw a pony leaving a line of big pony droppings in town and probably dog dirt!
Also when my class walked to swimming lessons we saw some doggy doo and someone almost stepped in it. I saw that you don’t fine people that leave dog faeces on the road and pavement. But why don’t you fine them? Is it because you can’t fine them?
I strongly believe that leaving your dog faeces on the ground is just horrid, also you can’t actually stop people from doing it.
Secondly, people don’t care if their dog faeces are on the ground and road. Another reason is that sometimes it causes stomach aches, sore throats, asthma and in rare cases it can cause blindness.
In addition to that salmonella can be transmitted to humans from dog faeces and for some people it can cause serious illness or even death!
However I do have a few solutions in mind. Install security cameras to catch the faeces leaver. Every month give owners a couple of poo bags. Send a letter to dog owners to tell them that they need to pick up their dog faeces or you can send people to pick it up.
Those are just a few solutions so you need to do one of them right now! I bet you don’t even like stepping in dog faeces do you?
It goes without saying I feel like you don’t do a single thing about it all. I can’t even believe that I, a child, has to write to you about the dog faeces on the roads.
I can even name other places where there are faeces: Caol Shorefront; In front of my house.
It makes me sick to the bone that there is dog poop everywhere. I wonder if you actually care? I hope you step in dog poop when you go outside your house.
Skye, aged 10.
Dear sir or madam
I have discovered some disgusting news that dog’s dirt has been left on the streets.
My class and I walk down to the swimming pool every Thursday even though we have to avoid stepping on dog’s dirt. As we walk up and down the hill we have to see dog’s dirt. It’s very appalling and it needs to be stopped soon.
Could you please do something about it?
I and others have agreed that it’s horrible just to leave dog’s dirt and not pick it up. You could get ill from it and even end up with roundworms.
I have found that people have just left it and nothing has happened to them, people could be fined up to £500!! It’s illegal and people have done nothing about it.
Illnesses can spread from dog’s dirt like salmonella and more. Even with dog wardens we still have a problem. Nobody wants to see faeces on their morning walk! Have you ever seen dog’s dirt when you are out for a walk? I’m sure you have as there is so much of it.
All I say is that you can’t do anything without a solution so I will offer some.
We could always make more signs but that wont make a difference as nobody will listen. I suggest that you make more dog poo bins and start refilling dog poo bag dispensers. Don’t you think that would help?
Maybe, but that doesn’t help our problem go away. We would need to start doing more like putting posters up and installing cameras! Then you could see the people that are leaving dog poo and be able to fine them. People could even be fined up to £1000 in court. That’s double £500.
This matter needs to be taken seriously. I’m hoping you take it seriously.
The new path at Caol shorefront has lots of dog’s dirt too. Nobody likes to see dogs dirt and that’s a fact.
Olivia, aged 11.
Dear sir or madam
An intelligent person like yourself should know that it is very nauseating to have dog faeces on the ground right?
In addition to this it is very important that you know that dog faeces all over the ground can be dangerous to some people as it can give certain people very serious illnesses or even death!
Of course you should know that you can get fined from £80 to £500 or up to £1000 if it’s taken to court, but unfortunately people don’t go around pursuing any of this.
Finally all these pieces of dog faeces can kill some of the animals, especially the fish!
I strongly believe they should make dog poop bag stations with bags so they can pick up their dog faeces.
Another reason is that if you make this happen and the person was taken to court it would make the plaintiff unable to use the excuse of not having a dog poop bag.
It goes without saying that we should have more dog poo bins so that dog faeces aren’t on the ground or aren’t being carried around either.
In addition you could put posters up about being fined and saying to pick up the dog faeces. Finally you could maybe install some security cameras so you are able to know who did it and are able to fine them.
I strongly believe that something has to be done about this don’t you? Over 1000 tonnes of dog faeces is dumped on the street in th UK everyday from over eight million dogs!
Surely you would know how much faeces is on the ground on Caol shorefront, not just here, there is dog faeces in loads of other places too.
In conclusion I feel that something must be done to stop this and bring it all to an end.
Aiden, aged 10.
Dear sir or madam
On Thursday we walk to the swimming pool for swimming lessons and we see dog poop on the road and pavement.
Dog poo is bad because someone can step on it and get their shoes dirty! Did you know that dog poop attracts rats? If you don’t get rid of the dog poo, the town would be rat infested!!
A dog poop scooper that picks up the dog poop would be good. Do you know if you leave it you can get a fine of £1000? Otherwise you would go to jail or prison.
Please put my letter in the paper so that people put the poop in the bin!
Jack, aged 10.
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