Among the items discussed were:
Bus - Mary Gollan reported that the community bus supplied by Kyle Community Trust had started a 'shopping run' to Kyle every Monday and it is hoped it would be well used. Mary is one of the volunteer drivers.
Housing - Plans for the development of the janitors house which has been lying empty for years should be ready by the end of March.
Roads - The meeting supported Highland Council's bid to have the A890 road adopted as a trunk road. Highland Council has promised to remove the yellow lines along Harbour Street which were put there by mistake. HC Ward 5 will hold a Zoom meeting on March 27 to discuss roads and the CC will highlight the general state of the roads with potholes and the corner at Drumbuie which is in need of attention.
King's coronation - There is grant funding available for a celebration event but the community council unanimously agreed that they would not pursue this.
Septic tank at Rhu - This was the only outfall that was putting raw sewage into the loch and as this has been ongoing for over 10 years. The CC will write SEPA to resolve this matter.
Plockton and District Horticultural and Arts and Crafts Society held a pot luck supper on February 17 in Plockton Hall.
The Fergus McCreadie Trio played at a concert in Plockton High School on February 7.
The National Centre of Excellence in Traditional Music held a concert in Plockton High School on February 25 when 56 leavers entertained the audience.
Plockton Community Development Trust held a lunch in Plockton Hotel and 21 residents attended. They hope to repeat it every two weeks.
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