A round up of events in Plockton village and the surrounding area during December.
Plockton and District Community Council met in Plockton Hall on December 16.
Among the items discussed were the following:
Sign - the Plockton sign at the entrance to the village will be moved to include burnside houses.
Plockton Airstrip - this had been valued in 2019 by Highland Council. The CC will inquire about the current position.
Schools update - many school matters were discussed as the head of the high school, Jo Scott Moncrieff, was present and in particular the temporary move of the primary school to the high school.
The next meeting is on January 15.
• The Lochalsh branch of Legion Scotland distributed 20 food parcels at Christmas - 88-year-old legion member John Falconer from Inverinate delivered the parcels.
• A Christmas carol concert was held at Plockton High School on December 12 by Plockton Primary School.
• The postponed annual general meeting of Plockton Small Boat Sailing Club was held on November 30 in the boatshed and by zoom. Seven attended in person plus 13 by Zoom. Treasurer Julia Mackenzie presented the treasurer’s accounts which were passed. Membership was slightly up, with 79 members.
The club are keen to start training again.
The following office-bearers were elected: Commodore - Laura Anderson; Secretary/Membership Secretary - Neil Macrae; Treasurer - Julia Mackenzie; Sailing Convener - Michael Hay; Timekeeper - Sarah Bruce; Instructor - Alexander Mackenzie; Welfare Officer - Lauren Glasgow.
Regatta fortnight this year is from July 29-August 10.
• On December 6 Plockton Community Trust presented the film The Wicker Man in Plockton Hall. Fifty people attended.
• Plockton and District Agricultural and Arts and Crafts Society held their annual gingerbread competition in Plockton Hall on December 8.
Winners were Gingerbread House: 1, Rowena Fellows; 2, Ewen Cameron; 3, Douglas Cameron. Anything but a House: 1, Leo Krisp Camp; 2, Amanda Cameron; 3, Kiara Markova.
• Plockton Children’s Party was held in Plockton Hall on December 22.
• Plockton village was sorry to hear of the death of Mrs Cathy Taylor from Applecross. Cathy was matron at Plockton Hostel for several years.
• The annual Plockton Music School concert was held on December 9.
• Calum Mackenzie who runs the seal trips on his boat Sula Bheag every year donates all the tips to charity, donating thousands over the years. This year he has donated £1246.64 to Marie Curie, Highland Hospice and Macmillan Cancer.
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