Saturday had been a normal afternoon for the drakes, hens and ducklings on Oban's Black Lynn, dabbling away in the sunshine and showers, pecking at the odd floating bug and bit of bread.
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Imagine then their bewildered look when three of the biggest birds you've ever seen (Rotarians in bright yellow chick costumes) disgorged a bulging builder's bag of multi-coloured plastic ducks in a giant sploosh upstream.
As loud cheers rang from the huge crowds lining Stevenson Street and Airds Crescent high above, the three giant walking avians began shepherding the red, green, white, yellow and blue flotilla downstream, towards the town's native population of mallards.
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As the fleet advanced, Anas platyrhynchos retreated. All disappeared into the tunnel under the butcher's, A85, and bank, out of sight of the human watchers. But which kind of duck would be the first to reach the sea?
The suspense grew for hundreds of spectators leaning over the seafront wall, focusing on the archway discharging the burn into Oban Bay.
Many folk had enjoyed a wee flutter themselves, sponsoring a numbered duck for £2, and a chance to win £60 for first place, £30 for second, and £10 for third.
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It took an age, despite the deluge at the launch. Eventually the first to emerge, in a great flap, was a startled hen, flying away from whatever the devil was following her.
Next came a canoeist, drifting patiently on the flow. A tiny white dot followed, then a red one, then another, next came a green speck, and the rest of the armada.
The leading trio were quickly rescued by the canoeist, and paddled to safety to a pier below the railway station.
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The ducks were clapped up the stairs into the hands Oban Rotary Club president Ciorsti Baxter at a new tannoy system in the Oban FM roadshow, paid for by town's Rotary and Lions clubs, and delivered next day by Derek Wilson.
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The victors were red 5, red 13, green 66, and a white 'super duck', 50 of which had been sponsored by local businesses at £60 a pop. The Rotarians gave the super duck winner, Roddy's Garage, an extra £250 for the charity of their choice. Overall, the event raised £6,500 for local charities and good causes.
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All the ducks were scooped up to be reused next year. Ciorsti thanked Oban Mountain Rescue, Oban Sailing Club, Outside Edge, Oban Coastguard, BID4Oban, and everyone else involved, for all their support.
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