Hamish Hoey and Son’s proposals for the site at 32-34 Stevenson Street included alterations to the existing ground floor offices and a change of use of the upper floors of the building to create four residential units.
But the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) expressed concerns and those fears were upheld by planning officers from Argyll and Bute Council, who confirmed the application had been refused.
An officer said that despite local measurements having taken place since the application was submitted in 2019, SEPA’s concerns remained.
They said: 'In a letter dated March 17, SEPA, in summary, reiterated the comments that they provided in their previous responses to the application but did allude to the fact that, should a site specific FRA (flood risk assessment) for the proposed development be undertaken, it is likely it would only serve to confirm the serious flood risk to the site.
'On this basis, SEPA confirmed that their objection to the proposed development has to be sustained.
'In response, the agent has advised that, in his opinion and given the earlier objections raised by JBA Consulting and SEPA, there is no likelihood that either objection will be withdrawn against a background of SEPA’s own flood prediction modelling.
'Following the refusal to accept an FRA for a site located further upstream at the Black Lynn Burn at Lochside Street prepared in 2009, the agent advised their client’s local consultant has confirmed a fresh FRA based on current predictions would be unlikely to demonstrate any lesser risk of 1:200 year event flooding at the application site.'
The officer added: 'In light of the above, whilst the proposed development complies with the LDP (local development plan) in all other respects, due to the proposal potentially placing buildings and persons at flood risk, it is considered to be contrary to Scottish planning policy and SEPA’s flood guidance documents, as well as the council’s own flood risk policy. Therefore it is recommended that planning permission be refused.'
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