Congratulations to Galloway, who have been campaigning for a National Park in their area for many years.
They can now move forward to the next stage of consultation, gauging local support and involving communities so they can contribute to the development of a National Park that meets the needs of their area.
I know that there are many people here who, like me, are very disappointed that Lochaber was not chosen to progress to the next consultation stage in the new National Park designation process.
Scotland’s National Parks bring support and resources to invest in local communities and infrastructure, coordinate visitor management, as well as supporting environment and nature restoration projects.
As I have said on many occasions, Lochaber already experiences the high visitor numbers experienced in the existing National Parks, but unlike those National Parks, we do not have the resources to deal with the issues that arise. Over the last two years in my role as a councillor, those issues, and the lack of resources available to tackle them, both from Highland Council and Government, have been constantly highlighted to me. And, despite what many might have been led to believe, the money not spent on a National Park in Lochaber, will not be redirected towards a replacement Belford Hospital, or other desperately needed infrastructure and facilities in the area.
Unfortunately, during the initial community consultation phase earlier this year, the wider conversation about the pros and cons of a National Park and what designation might mean for Lochaber was shut down by a campaign of misinformation and questionable behaviour.
The very disappointing outcome is a missed opportunity for our communities to make an accurately informed decision and bring resources to the area that would have helped to alleviate some of the issues we currently face. I will continue to work with the Lochaber National Park Working Group and Scottish Government in the hope that this can be achieved.
Councillor Kate Willis, Fort William and Ardnamurchan.
What will it take for balance to be taught in schools to enable children to make up their own minds as to what they want to support – or not?
Yet again another wind developer goes into the classroom and invites pupils to name their turbines, this time on Shetland. Obviously naming all one hundred and three would be ludicrous but then so is naming any of them.
They are rotating cash machines built with the sole aim of making a lot of money for the company’s shareholders, including global investment companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street etc. They have not been built for energy security, environmental or community reasons. A cynical view, perhaps, is that by engaging in a way that no adverse impacts of wind turbines are ever allowed into discussions with young and questioning minds is because they are the ones who will be paying for this consumer funded farce in the future.
Let’s at least be honest and real and name SSE’s turbines with names we can all relate to.
Slicer, Dicer, Flicker, Pete Slide, Money Spinner, Mr Unreliable, Thumper, Bat Whacker, Green Folly, Subsidy Sam, Windy Gamble and Ice Flinger are just a few suggestions SSE may like to consider.
Lyndsey Ward, Beauly.
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