Votes brought back some familiar long-serving faces as well as some who were new to the council chamber.
We invited all seven councillors across Oban North and Lorn and Oban South and The Isles to tell us in their own words what they have achieved in their year of office so far and what they plan to deliver you in the next 12 months.
This is what they said:
Councillor Kieron Green, Independent, Oban North and Lorn
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It is a privilege to continue to represent the people of Oban North and Lorn and I am grateful for the ongoing support from the communities within the ward.
Much of my work is in representing individual constituents, and whilst this isn’t public, it can be very rewarding to provide the advice and help needed.
Equally I work together with fellow councillors and officers to develop policy, and I would not generally want to take any credit personally for achievements of the Area Committee, or council as a whole.
One issue I would highlight, though, is the plans for a new high voltage transmission line near Dalmally. When this came before committee, I felt compelled to act to protect and preserve the local environment, and press for plans that would follow agreed council policies.
Successfully bringing a motion forward for the council to object to these proposals has given the opportunity for all involved to make their case at the upcoming Public Local Inquiry.
Over the coming year I am looking for a positive outcome for our area, but also the wider country - recognising that the vitally important steps of decarbonising our energy supply nationally do not have to conflict with the landscape, biodiversity, and people living across Argyll and Bute.
Councillor Luna Martin, Oban North and Lorn, Scottish Greens
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Over the past year as your local councillor I have made several contributions to our community. One recent achievement has been successfully mediating a resolve of the long standing feud between the Soroba Young Families Group and Soroba Community Enterprise Limited. Recognising the detrimental impact of the conflict on wards 4 and 5, I brought both parties together for constructive dialogue. Through effective mediation, a resolve was reached.
I voted on several planning issues regarding the ward such as rejecting the resurrection of more pylons in Dalmally. On the Oban common goods fund I was proud to vote to award £10,000 towards Oban’s Festive Lights.
Despite not being on the community services committee, I brought a plea to members to keep Luing School open. I continue to campaign for the safe transportation of pupils to school with a motion coming to committee next month.
I have been very proactive in reporting and remedying environmental, roads, transport, housing and social care issues.
Looking to the next year, I’m committed to promoting dialogue and cooperation; local government should be transparent and accessible for all. Our local communities must have a bigger say in the policies which impact them.
In the near future I would like to see further environmental concern given to our beautiful ward and the wildlife which inhabits it. I will address the growing threat of invasive species such as Japanese knotweed, rhododendron and Himalayan balsam. I hope to ensure we better care for our seas and coastlines by more thoroughly monitoring and regulating the development within them. I will open the discussion in council about a crash barrier along Loch Nan Druimnean.
I will continue to actively attend community council meetings and represent the interests of my constituents. I’d to personally thank the local community and community councils for all of their hard work within our ward.
Councillor Julie McKenzie for Oban North and Lorn, SNP, is currently away from work due to a family bereavement.
Councillor Andrew Vennard for Oban North and Lorn, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, did not send a response.
Councillor Amanda Hampsey, Oban South and The Isles, Scottish Conservatives & Unionist Party
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It has been a great honour and privilege to represent and serve the people of Oban and the Isles. In order to best represent communities, I feel it has been important to take a “dedication, not distance” approach to ensure that no matter the distance or time involved, all members of the community are valued and given the opportunity to speak face to face. This enabled me to build positive relationships and understand the unique needs of each area.
Ferry cancellations have at times been a real hurdle in my efforts to ensure the islands have parity, however, I've utilised every available opportunity to visit all areas of the ward.
As policy lead for Health & Social Care and chairperson of the Integration Joint Board, I work closely with stakeholders at all levels to ensure we involve both professionals and the public in shaping of policies. This ensures health and social care in Argyll and Bute are of the very highest standard we can offer. I was delighted to work with my team to purchase Kintyre Care Centre, ensuring loved ones are kept as close to home as possible. We have brought forward the first in a series of health surveys, piloting in Coll. Questionnaires were sent to every household and the data collated and analysed, which will be used to enhance individualised delivery of healthcare on the island.
This past year I attended hundreds of meetings, travelled across 22 areas, attended community councils and held surgeries. I am delighted to be involved in placing Argyll & Bute firmly on the national map as we further our medical drone trials, secure funding for positive transformation and link into the national stage by continuing to engage with matters that impact local areas, such as improved transport links and Highly Protected Marine Areas.
I am eager and looking forward to the year ahead, for opportunities to speak more with individuals and businesses across the ward and would welcome all contact.
Councillor Willie Hume, Oban South and The Isles, Scottish National Party
Oban South and Isles Councillor Willie Hume
Willie Hume_-18Since being elected a year ago, it has been a huge learning curve and very challenging, but I would like to think I have managed to help a few of my constituents.
A hole appeared in front of one of the goals on the all weather pitch in Tobermory. The person who teaches the youngsters football had been emailing the council for two years. She asked for my help and the hole was repaired in four weeks. RESOLVED
The cemetery at Beadown, Tobermory had only three lairs left, I emailed to say this is now urgent. RESOLVED.
Street lighting fault Ledaig Car Park Tobermory. RESOLVED.
Battery container in Bunessan had been full for a number of months, requires emptying. RESOLVED.
Overgrown/grass bushes, lane behind Breadalbane Street. RESOLVED.
Damaged lighting column at Craignure. RESOLVED.
Overgrown trees obscuring lighting column western road Tobermory. RESOLVED.
New signs and poles at Kinloch junction. RESOLVED.
Replacement of street signs around Tobermory. RESOLVED.
New bus stop sign on the Spar side. RESOLVED.
Street lights all out at Armore, Salen. RESOLVED.
Street lights out in the church area at Salen. RESOLVED.
New signs at Fishnish junction. RESOLVED.
Query about a planning application Uisken croft. RESOLVED.
Street lighting fault Ruaigan Terrace Tobermory. RESOLVED.
Severe flooding from Gruline crossroads for 50 metres. RESOLVED.
On-going work, new sign required bottom of the back brae, resolution date is June 1 this year. Damaged wall middle brae, resolution date is May 29 this year. Severe potholes top of the Prison Brae, resolution date is August 30 this year. General potholes all over Mull, far too many to mention.
The bigger picture is Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), which will have a devastating effect on the whole of the west coast of Scotland. I am totally against this proposal.
Councillor Andrew Kain, Oban South and The Isles, Independent
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Since being elected in May of last year I have been getting to grips with council process and getting to know personalities, both elected councillors and council officers.
Everyone when elected begins with the intent of ‘doing good’. One of the problems, in my view, can be the political philosophy of different groups conflicting with effective development and delivery of services.
It is clear that the council (officers and elected members) is / must be a team working collaboratively to deliver the best services for all constituents across Argyll and Bute.
Elected members are responsible for developing policy while officers are the professionals responsible for delivery of policy (always constrained by resources). It is clear that to achieve anything of import requires cooperation and collaboration; and that political ideology can get in the way and confound.
I have been lucky to be part of the administration as policy lead for roads and transport and chairperson of the Argyll and Bute harbour board. The policy lead position for roads and transport includes ferries and I have been able, with support, to establish the Marine Infrastructure and Transport Liaison Group (MITLG). The purpose is to give a more effective voice to the Islands of Argyll and Bute in dealings with Transport Scotland, CMAL, CalMac and HITRANS. As chairperson of the harbour board I have contributed to bringing together groups.
On a ward basis I helped convince Officers of the benefits of upgrading the flat in
county building in Tobermory. I also assisted in the delivery of an outstanding proposal from the Tobermory Harbour Association (THA) which achieved council funding. I listen to people and then assist as best I can.
It is my firm intention to continue to listen and to develop further, where I can, in
collaboration with Officers and other elected members.
Councillor Jim Lynch, Oban South and The Isles, Scottish National Party
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In May last year I was reelected to serve as a local Councillor for Oban South and the Isles and leader of the Council Opposition Partnership.
I have also taken up a number of personal cases to seek solutions for individuals who have contacted me for help, which has to be kept confidential.
I have been in regular contact with our roads and amenities team highlighting various parking and road safety issues together with major concerns raised by my constituents. Officers have been using this information together with feedback from our wider communities to work on proposed amendments to the current Traffic Regulation Order which will be presented to the local Area Committee for approval.
This is a good start and will provide a platform to build on as we move forward.
Earlier in the year the full council gave the council leader, deputy leader and myself as leader of the opposition delegated authority to decide on the allocation of Scottish Government funding to support our communities. This funding was ring fenced specifically to support those most at risk during the current the cost of living crisis.
It was agreed that funding would be allocated to support residents in receipt of council tax reduction with additional support, children in receipt of free school meals and foodbanks based on our islands. As a result our foodbanks in Mull, Tiree and Iona received much needed financial support.
In the future I am very keen to explore how all partners ( council, employers, schools, Department for Work and Pensions and Careers Scotland) can work together to help with local recruitment. We need to be able to provide job search advice and training to give people the opportunity to apply for and secure local jobs.
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