Lochgilphead Community Council has awarded a £500 grant towards the cost of the project.
It will provide a multi-purpose mobile venue, allowing the MS Centre to attend local events or set up at different locations they might visit around Mid Argyll and Islay.
The idea of the project is to help men connect with each other, work together, share skills, make friends and regain a sense of purpose.
Karen McCurry, MS Centre manager, said: “It is really for the men to connect, it gives them that sense of purpose. We are keen to use it as an extra venue.”
The Pie and Pint group meets the first Friday of the month from 2-4pm at the MS Centre. They enjoy pie and beans with a pint of something non-alcoholic.
At present around 20 men of varying ages attend. It is open to any local men who fancy going along for a chat.
The peer group was formed after the need to connect local men who were feeling isolated and lonely was identified.
Karen added: “We have spoken to many local men, who have told us that they would not attend groups targeted as supporting mental health, but would enjoy having somewhere to socialise and chat with other men.
“When refurbished the horse box can be used in a multitude of ways. Perhaps as a small workshop for other practical activities to take place.
"For example, making planters and planting seeds or as a health information stand sharing health and welfare related literature or fundraising by selling coffees at events.”
The community council grant will be used to help refurbishment costs for the horse box including new brakes and damp proofing repairs.