South Islay Development Company (SIDC) is behind the plans to improve the playing fields near Ramsay Hall.
The old pavilion near the bowling green is being knocked down to be replaced by a smart new building housing a café, storage, places for groups to meet and business premises.
A hairdresser and beautician are already booked in. And Sheila Corson, who runs the horsebox snackbar nearby, will also be opening in the new building.
The play park equipment is being moved to near the bowling green and café so all age groups can socialise together. Parents can enjoy coffee and cake while watching their children play in the play park.
All the fields are being drained and the number camper van spaces is being increased from four to 12.
Each space will have state-of-the-art facilities, a place to dispose of dirty water, somewhere to dump rubbish as well as laundry services. There will also be two fully accessible showers in the toilet block.
Alyson MacGillivary of SIDC said: “The motorhome side of things is coming on well. We are resurfacing with eco grid; you can drive over it and grass can grow through the plastic cover. It protects the grass and keeps the area looking nice.
“The new community space will have a café, rentable rooms for local businesses, storage for the sports hub and public areas that can be hired out for functions.”