Raw sewage spouting from a drain is causing an real stink at a Lochavullin garage already burdened by flood fears.
LMS Auto Services owner Lachie Strathearn, who was left £55,000 out of pocket after last October’s floods, has been waiting for over a year for Argyll and Bute Council to root out the source of the toilet paper and excrement that threatens to flow into his business when heavy rains and high tides clash.
As yellow warning-strength rain fell and water levels rose earlier this week, Lachie and his seven staff were once again on flood alert and having to clean up the stomach-churning waste lapping at their door.
Sewage was also seen coming up from drains near Mill Lane.
Lachie, who rents the premises and yard from the council, has also been in touch with Scottish Water about the ongoing issue.
He explained: "It’s more than unpleasant, it’s an environmental health issue. It’s over a year since this problem was first raised with the council and it’s still not sorted. We’re having to come to work in wellies."
When he asked the council to see a detailed plan of Lochavullin’s sewage system, he was told none existed and they had no idea what lay beneath the surface.
Lachie said: "They told me they would get a new survey carried out but that was ages ago. Just 12 days ago, after I contacted them again, they said a contract had been given to a firm to do the survey but it hadn’t happened yet. I don’t want this survey to be done in the spring, it should’ve been carried out months ago. We’ve put up with this long enough.
"They need the layout plans so they can source where the problem is coming from. I think another premises somewhere might be connected up wrong. We need action but the council is showing no sense of urgency."
Oban ward councillor Jim Lynch has also contacted Scottish Water to highlight the issue and ask for an update on the "unacceptable situation" in Crannog Lane.
A Scottish Water spokesperson said: “We are liaising with Argyll and Bute Council regarding this matter. We have arranged for a full survey of the waste water infrastructure in the area to be carried out to ensure our infrastructure is working as it should. Investigations are ongoing to establish the full circumstances.”
Jenni Minto MSP says she is also concerned by the environmental health risk and is writing to Argyll and Bute Council and SEPA, as is Brendan O’Hara MP.
Asked for a flood defence update and a comment on the raw sewage, an Argyll and Bute spokesperson said flood mitigation works for Oban were being investigated and plans for a surface water survey are progressing.
She also pointed out Scottish Water was responsible for sewage, adding: "Looking ahead towards a much longer-term solution, we have worked with consultants to develop options for a flood prevention scheme for Oban. This is dependent on securing government funding.
"We have used the issues highlighted by businesses, in the survey we carried out, to strengthen a case for national support for local households and businesses affected by October’s extreme weather.”
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