The decision to reduce the number of beds at Campbeltown Hospital to six has officially been made, but health chiefs insist it is a temporary measure.
Donald Watt, interim head of service, acute and community for Oban, Lorn and the Islands and Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay at Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), wrote to staff and key stakeholders to confirm that the number of beds is to reduce from 12 – plus two contingency beds – to six, amid ongoing staffing issues.
Mr Watt said the decision, which is expected to take effect from early March, was made by the HSCP’s senior leadership team to ensure that the hospital can continue to provide a “safe, quality and sustainable service” for patients, both within the ward and the A&E department.
He said: “Despite the best efforts of the team locally and an ongoing recruitment campaign, we are continuing to face significant challenges with recruitment to registered nurse posts within Campbeltown Hospital. There are currently 10 registered nurse vacancies and the use of agency staff is therefore ongoing to help meet this challenge in staffing.”
He said the bed reduction “will be a temporary measure” and will be reviewed on a four-weekly basis, adding: “This reduction will greatly support our staff in their roles and will allow us to continue to provide safe care for our patients.”
While “concerned” by the news, South Kintyre councillor John Armour is optimistic that the move is not permanent.
He said: “I was very disappointed and concerned to be informed that the bed numbers in Campbeltown Hospital would drop to six but, from my discussions with officers and hospital management, I am comforted that the reduction will be temporary, reviewed on a four weekly basis.
“And, if the HSCP is successful in recruiting additional staff, then, following a period of training and local orientation and induction, the beds can be reinstated in an incremental basis over a period of time.
“I believe every effort is being made to recruit permanent staff as soon as is possible. It is hugely important that we see the bed numbers increase again when new staff are in place.”
He added: “The safety of patients obviously comes first but I believe it is really important that the hospital staff are not forgotten during this time. They are the ones on the frontline and I’m sure everyone greatly appreciates the hard work that they do in coping and working extra hours during the current staffing problems.
“But, they can’t continue being expected to work extra shifts and take up the slack when there are so many vacancies.
“So, for everyone’s sake it is to be hoped that new full-time staff will be in place in the next few months and we see the number of beds in the hospital rise again to previous levels.”
Ward colleague Councillor Jennifer Kean is also concerned about the pressure on hospital staff, as well as how the bed reduction will impact patients.
She said: “I asked a large variety of pertinent questions prior to the senior leadership team meeting taking place last week and my understanding is that the reduction will relieve staff pressures by one staff nurse per shift.
“I fully understand and appreciate the pressures currently faced by the service, however, the very stark reality of this temporary reduction is that it will undoubtedly result in a number of Kintyre patients being displaced to other hospitals in the coming months and quite possibly some passing away without family or friends surrounding them.
“I am sure the managerial staff understand the gravity of this situation for our community and I have stressed multiple times that we must do all we possibly can to ensure the bed numbers in Campbeltown are reinstated as quickly as possible and that this reduction never becomes permanent.”
Councillor Kean added: “As a community, we have suffered continuous cuts to our hospital service for decades now, cutting our available services to the bone as it is. We cannot, and the community will not, allow our services to be permanently reduced further.
“I insisted that the HSCP issued a public statement to confirm that this reduction was only temporary until staff are in place to reinstate bed numbers.
“I have also asked that members are provided with the figures relating to occupancy and displaced patients, including how many patients are displaced from Campbeltown due to lack of capacity and which hospitals patients are being displaced to, at regular intervals during this reduction period so we can ascertain the full impact this has on our community.
“I am also still awaiting further information on exactly how this temporary reduction will affect our ambulance service in Kintyre.”
Councillor Tommy Macpherson, South Kintyre’s third elected representative, says health chiefs have his full support as they work to address the issues the hospital faces.
He said: “I am grateful for the opportunity, the time afforded me on Monday, meeting with Ms Neal, and both clinical and administrative staff whilst on an orientation tour of the hospital.
“A consideration for Kintyre’s communities is that of the Scottish Government’s national effort to reduce reliance on agency nursing. Correspondence dated September 4 2024 from the Chief Nursing Officer was only recently shared with Kintyre councillors.
“It is important to note that Argyll and Bute HSCP is using excessive agency in Kintyre, though the letter is clear this does not prevent the Partnership from doing so. This point is vitally important towards staffing the dialysis unit.
“An assurance has been given of monthly updates, and that no beds will be deleted by stealth. Kintyre HSCP has my fullest support.”
Despite the staffing challenges, Mr Watt added that the HSCP has had some success in recruitment to the hospital’s A&E department.
He said: “We had a number of vacancies due to the retirement of a number of staff and we are delighted to report that these vacancies have been filled. This will greatly assist us in sustaining this service for the local community.”
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