Tourists heading to the island in search of seeing the creatures and getting a close-up on camera are already asking locals for directions to the best spots.
Mull Otter Group is appealing to wildlife photographers and visitors to be respectful of both otters and the people who live in the area.
To help get the message out, the group has just reprinted its Do's and Don't fliers that can be picked up from tourist information centres, holiday stays, waiting rooms and from the island's rangers.
By following the fliers guidance, you should enjoy a longer, better quality sighting which causes no distress to the animal.
The leaflet was designed by Carol Benetto, educational outreach coordinator for the otter specialist group in the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and Ruth Lord.
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Last year, Mull Otter Group received backing from BBC2 Springwatch presenter Iolo Williams, who made an appeal on live TV after reports of some photographers being spotted chasing sea otters along sea and loch shores to get a prized snap.
And there were also reports of sometimes as many as 20 to 30 cars in the one place, churning up land and congesting roads making access difficult for people living nearby.
If otters feel they are being watched or in danger of being chased, it could stop them from getting out of the water to dry off or from getting back to their holts, it could be a mother needing to feed her young.
The group is also worried about shore-nesting birds and their eggs that could be in danger of being trampled by otter watchers.
While the group does not want to spoil anyone's holiday, it is asking people not to stake out holts for the sake of getting a photograph.
And they are asking people not to advertise holts on social media - instead to be patient and enjoy Mull's beauty.
The bottom line is that seeing an otter really it is down to luck - if you are lucky you could see an otter anywhere on Mull's coast.
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