With temperatures set to drop below freezing, the utility is reminding property owners that preparing for sub-zero temperatures could help prevent problems such as burst pipes and flooding and save unwanted expense for damage repair.
Kevin Roy, Scottish Water’s customer service general manager, said: “Water pipes can be very vulnerable to swings in temperature and the freeze-thaw process. With a return to freezing overnight conditions and slightly warmer temperatures during the day, we are preparing for a potentially busy period.
“As we saw in December, burst pipes – especially those which the customer has responsibility for - can place additional strain on our supply systems as well as cause disruption. We would want all householders and businesses to prepare and be alert for any bursts which do occur.
“We are putting a range of resources in place to allow us to deal with issues which arise – but prevention in the first place is always a better option.”
The key advice about pipes is to heat, insulate and protect:
Heat: If your central heating systems does not have frost-protection built in, then set the heating thermostat to 10C to help prevent frozen pipes and expensive repairs.
Insulate: Pipes don’t like the cold – whether they are outdoor or indoor, metal or plastic, new or old. Making sure pipes and water tanks are properly insulated is one of the simplest, and cheapest, things which can be done to help protect properties from the cold.
Protect: If you are going away, make sure you have someone who can check regularly for any problems. If the property is going to be vacant over winter, turn off the water supply and drain the system.
Further advice about protecting your property can be found at www.scottishwater.co.uk/winter or www.yourwateryourlife.co.uk/winter/ for further advice, information and films.
Scottish Water has contingency plans for winter and periods of sub-zero temperatures, however, they are asking homeowners to take precautions to avoid costly damage. No_B10SWater01
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