Among the issues discussed were:
Tirindrish white lining - to be completed shortly
Altour Road playpark – Highland Council has admitted play equipment was partially removed following a communication breakdown. The remaining equipment was deemed dangerous so it has been fenced off prior to removal. The amenities team will work with SBRBA Scottish Charitable Incorporate Organisation to source replacement equipment, but the community will need to raise upwards of £20,000. Kate Forbes MSP’s staff are seeking play equipment that could be installed as a temporary solution.
Coire Glas - Equipment commissioning is almost complete and tunnelling is already 50 metres into the mountain. It is expected Strabag Worker’s camp in Spean Bridge will be occupied shortly. Jade O’Hara confirmed the next CLG Meeting would be on July 12.
SSER’s interpretation of extended above ground working hours seems to conflict with Highland Council’s position. The chairman stated this is an important point of principle for the community council, as if SSER is granted major change without full transparency, the same argument will be used for the entire construction phase defeating the whole purpose of condition 19. The Freedom of Information request was now 34 working days overdue. If information is not served within seven days, the community council would formally complain to the Information Commissioner.
Network Rail – Network Rail’s 20 working days to respond to the
Freedom of Information enquiry has expired.
Roy Bridge School – The chairman, community development officer, a local architect and Fiona Sorley from Communities Housing were due to meet with Gary Coutts from Highland Council Estates on Thursday June 8 to view the premises.
New Belford Hospital - feedback from the public stakeholders event will now be evaluated.
Dell and Cloiche wind farms - The community council has published a report on the connection required to connect Dell and Cloiche wind farms to the National Grid at Melgarve substation.
Arrangements for UCI World Cycle Championships, Aonach Mor August 3 to August 5 - Park and ride will operate from Blar Mhor and Spean Bridge (A86) with greater frequency of shuttle buses than in previous years. A 30mph speed limit will be in place between Fort William and Spean Bridge. Lay-bys will be closed and any cars illegally parked will be removed. There will be no parking at the Rural Complex outside event teams and officials. An extended bike park at Nevis Range will encourage people to cycle to event.
Stronelairg Windfarm Community Fund Micro Grant - An application from Ken Dalley for £500 towards festive lights in Spean Bridge was approved.
Planning application 23/02189/FUL: Erection of 14 houses and farm shop - The community council decided unanimously to object as this is a mixed use site and one farm shop does not provide sufficient business and retail units.
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