If the good people of Tarbert hear the plaintive sound of voices drifting from the Templar Arts and Leisure Centre singing a sad song of farewell to Kintyre, they should not feel at all concerned.
No mass emigration from the district is planned. It is, in fact, the sound of Tarbert Gaelic Choir rehearsing for the Royal National Mòd to be held in Oban in October.
The Gaelic poem Soraidh Slàm le Cinntìre/Farewell to Kintyre by the Tarbert bard Deòrsa Caimbeul Hay/George Campbell Hay (1915-87) has been selected by the choir members to be their competition entry for the Mòd.
In the poem, the bard describes his thoughts at the prospect of leaving his beloved Kintyre and Loch Fyne where he once sailed so bravely.
The words have been set to music by Susan Rhodes, a former conductor of the choir, in a setting which enhances the nostalgic tone of the poem.
Christine Johnson, meanwhile, draws upon her long experience of working with Gaelic choirs and solo singers to advise the choir members on the Gaelic sounds and pronunciation.
In past years, Tarbert Gaelic Choir has successfully competed with other rural choirs for the Sheriff MacMaster Campbell Memorial Quaich, a beautiful silver trophy given in honour of the sheriff by the Campbeltown branch of the An Comunn Gàidhealach.
This year, however, because of a reduction in its membership, the choir will sing in a competition for smaller groups but under the name of ‘The Dookers’ from the popular nickname for Tarbert people.
At last year’s Mòd in Paisley, one of the adjudicators praised the sweet singing of Tarbert as “ethereal”.
This year, the singers aim to maintain their high standard and encourage others to support the old and honourable tradition of Gaelic choral singing in Kintyre and Mid Argyll.
And so, in spite of the words and title of their song, Tarbert Gaelic Choir members have no intention of bidding a sad farewell to Kintyre and Loch Fyne.
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