The walk leader is to be contacted beforehand for meet-up and start times. Car sharing usually possible and people can try before they buy. Further information at Lochaber and Lorn Ramblers Group can be contacted by email on
Today, Thursday March 29
Eastern volcanic rim, Ardnamurchan
A circuit of the Eastern Rim of the Great Ardnamurchan Volcanic Ring giving very fine views of the volcano and the Small Isles.
Start on the Kilchoan-Sanna road at NM472669. Climb the deer fence and ascend the obvious gully to the summit of Creag an Airgid, 257m. Follow the ridge E over several tops to reach Meall an Tarmachain, 405m. Descend steeply NE and re-cross the deer fence. Keeping to the highest ground of the NW/SE watershed make for the summit of Meall nan Con, 437m, marked by a trig point 2.1Km distant.
Descend steeply WNW past some lochans and climb to the summit of Meall Meadhoin, 388m. Follow the crest of the ridge NNW to an unnamed summit, 262mEX, 1.7Km distant. Turn W to reach Meall an Fhir-eoin, then descend a steep, narrow gully and head NW to Lochan Dobhrain.
Follow the burn issuing SW from the lochan to reach the path to Glendrian. Follow the path S to the road and back to the start.
Grade: M+; Distance: 12Km; Height to climb: 800m
Map(s): LR47, EX390; Meet at:
Corran Ferry slip NN021635 for 0850 sailing.
Start of walk at 1045
Leader: Andrew Gilbert 07808 924722.
Saturday March 31
Loch Dochard, Glen Shira
A pleasant walk in a remote glen with forest, river and mountain scenery. A couple of kilometres of rough off-path walking and a river crossing add to the adventure.
Start from the CP just south of Victoria Bridge, NN270418. Head W on the forest track, past the monument, to its end at Doire nan Taghan. Continue W in a ride to the forest boundary and reach the Allt Sùil na Curra. Cross the river where it bifurcates around an island with Old ShielingsEX.
Head N down the slope to join the path beside the Abhainn Shira and follow it W to the shore of Loch Dochard. Return E along the path and cross the bridge at NN232417. Continue E to cross the Allt Ghabhar (the bridge is missing) near where it flows in to the Abhainn Shira and follow a faint muddy path along its N bank to join the track at the bothy, Clashgour HutEX.
If it is not possible to cross the Allt Ghabhar, follow it upstream to cross on the bridge at NN232426 and reach the house at Clashgour. Follow the well made track E past the bothy and continue to Victoria Bridge. Head S back to the CP.
Grade: L; Distance: 14Km; Height to climb: 130m; Map(s): LR50, EX377; Meet at: Glencoe Village CP at 0930; Start of walk at 1015; Leader: John Nicol 01852 300360
Mentor: Marilyn Drummond
Please see full walk details at If anyone would like to go out on the walk please contact club secretary Suzanne Theobald on 01397 701783 or email
Sunday April 1
Loch Creran/Finlay’s hill
This is a long, broad and undulating ridge running between Glen Etive and Loch Creran with good views out to sea and inland towards Glencoe and Glen Etive.
Park at end of public road in Glen Creran at NN036488. Follow track across River Creran to Glenure and turn NE towards the plantation. In the trees take the path right uphill and follow on above a small stream on the right.
Continue up the ridge, passing the two lochans and on to the summit which is marked with a large cairn and trig point.
Return via the same route. (15km, 1000m ascent) Suggested by Ken Stevenson; coordinated by Suzanne Theobald
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