sleep, I looked up.
Transfixed by the awesomeness of creation, I saw a million universes glistening in the night sky.
The sky was studded with stars and as I watched, they seemed to fall into the sea. The moon lit up the landscape and the whole earth breathed peace.
The only sound was the quiet lapping as the ocean rolled its waves once again to the shore. The darkness was penetrated by billions of pinpricks of light, reminding me that light has the last word.
We are waiting for the lighter nights. We are waiting for the lengthening days. We are waiting for the light. We are waiting for the light, and for the life light.
We wait quietly in a cosmic silence. Waiting can bring peace as we find God’s presence in the present. Waiting can bring hope as we know the light will come.
But it’s hard to stop and wait; it’s not easy to pause and ponder; it’s difficult to take time at this time. We’re busy with the bargains and not so bothered about the baby.
We’re busy with the tinsel but haven’t time for the truth. We’re busy with the mince pies and we will get round to the manger.
We’re busy trying to fix the tree lights but have forgotten about the
real light. We’re busy with the stocking fillers and have set aside the stable.
We’re busy with the cards but have pushed away the crib. We’re busy – it is Christmas after all.
We just don’t have time right now. We will make time for God when we’re less busy. And God crept in beside us when we were busy.
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