The turn of a New Year is a good time to think about the three Rs and I don’t mean the education system of a bygone era. (Reading, writing and arithmetic; I never understood that – there is only one R?)
Instead: rejoice, reflect, remember.
As we take stock, it is helpful to think of the good things of 2022, to count our blessings as the old hymn says.
I look back with an attitude of gratitude – I rejoice. That proactive mindset lifts my spirit, it contextualises the troubles, it brings light to darkness.
I’m sure, like me, you have much to be thankful for as you look back on 2022.
Yet, as a year has seasons, so it is with our lives. I reflect. It wasn’t all happy sunshine, there were clouds and storms. But I am still standing. Morning follows the dark night.
During December, my morning dog walks enabled me to regularly see the sun rise between Davaar and the mainland. A daily powerful reminder of a new dawn, a new day. It always left me full of hope and thankfulness.
I remember – this year I stepped in as a locum for the Church of Scotland and have had the privilege to come alongside families in their time of bereavement. I remember them all and the hope Jesus brings in the darkness.
Looking ahead to 2023, I want to continue daily thankfulness.
I trust I will grow in self-awareness. Reflecting on helpful and unhelpful attitudes.
I trust that as I remember those who have gone on before us, I will live life to the full, accountably and shaped by faith, hope and love.
Reverend Chris Holden, The Fishermen's Mission.
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