The bible says: 'Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.'
Do you see that? It’s the sweetest news in the world; the God who created the vast unimaginable glory of the universe and every tiny atom in it, whose eye is on the sparrow, cares for you.
Why then should we ever be anxious? And yet we are. Sadly statistics seem to indicate the rise of fear and hopelessness, especially among the young.
I think the problem and the answer lies hidden in this verse.
The incredible advances in human achievement even in the last 30 years have left us convinced that our hands are mighty.
We’re persuaded that the answer to our needs is within us; education, technology, information, you can be whoever you choose to be.
We’ve reached to the heavens and hasn’t medical science even put life itself within our reach?
But then the news goes on and every rumour of plague, of war, of famine or of environmental collapse grips us with fear, or we face some personal crisis: a phone call, a letter, a text.
What’s the solution?
Is it self-belief or self-esteem or a self-help book written by a self-made man or woman?
Maybe, for a time, it is. But ultimately, they only feed a vicious circle of human pride and fear.
There is a mighty hand. Perhaps the answer will not be found standing tall, but humbly on our knees before our Maker; a Father who cares and seeks and who sent his Son to rescue us.
Reverend Mark Jasper, Campbeltown Community Church.
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