Argyll and Bute Council officials, who were given the go ahead to draw up a draft closure proposal for the school last week, have insisted “due process will be followed”.
Last week's Community Services Committee heard that if Kilchrenan is closed, the catchment area of Taynuilt Primary, six and a half miles away, will be extended.
The proposal will be brought back to the same committee on December 14.
If approved, a statutory consultation process will begin under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.
Community Services councillors at the same meeting also approved a proposal to close Connel's Achaleven Primary School next May, subject to the results of a public consultation, with the catchment area of Lochnell Primary School in Benderloch being extended.
As part of that process a public meeting will be held at the school on Wednesday, October 4 at 6pm.
Consultees on proposed closures include parent councils of the affected schools, parents of children expected to attend an affected school in the next two years, community councils and various local officials.
Executive director Douglas Hendry said he had spoken to a member of the public from Achaleven at an earlier meeting who was concerned because the community did want to get involved in the consultation.
He told the meeting: “They have a number of views they want to put forward, but it was not possible to do so in terms of the council’s standing orders and constitution. I gave her reassurance that after the meeting we will ensure she is given details of the consultation, and even if the group she represents is not on the statutory list, we will ensure they have a chance to contribute."
Both Kilchrenan and Achaleven schools are in Independent councillor Kieron Green's ward.
Although he was not a member of the committee, he was allowed to speak and asked what learning were officers applying to the school closure process seeing as the authority had a number of schools at various stages.
“I have noted in some other schools before, there have been comments about a lack of numbers at meetings. Have we tackled this issue?
“Reading through this proposal and what has happened, I welcome the consultation on Kilchrenan, based on the fact there has been an opportunity for people to participate virtually.
“When officers formulate the draft closure, would they include an option for a virtual event? It is really important, particularly when I think of Kilchrenan’s catchment area.
“It is not necessarily convenient for parents to attend consultation events in person.”
Committee chairperson Councillor Yvonne McNeilly responded: “You will be very well aware, as a former vice chair of this committee, that I have said we have specific guidelines from the Scottish Government which we must follow on who we consult and how.”
The council’s education policy lead and executive director Douglas Hendry added: “A lot of what Councillor Green has said is absolutely on point and I have no issue with it.
“I just wanted to pick up in general terms on his point about learning. The bottom line is that service officers, and I hope the committee, know on the basis of collective learning that has happened on an ongoing basis.
“I am confident, having seen a number of these proposals worked through, that we have a process that complies in every way with the statutory requirements.
“There will be no issues raised with us of that nature because of the learning that has been undertaken.”
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