When the Outer Hebrides entered Level Four lockdown just after Christmas, and hospital visiting was restricted to essential visitors only, NHS Western Isles recognised it was more important than ever for patients to keep in contact with loved ones.
One family member who used the service said: 'Using the ‘Virtual Visiting’ service was simple. The video call is as convenient as a phone call but allows the patient and the person calling to see each other.'
The video calls are made by the patient’s family/friend to the patient from their own home, with the patient answering using a NHS Western Isles iPad.
The service is available seven days a week but must be booked in advance.
Once a ‘Virtual Visit’ has been arranged with the ward clerk, the caller will select from a list of hospita wards. This will enable them to enter a virtual waiting area from where their call will be answered.
Access to the service can be found on the NHS Western Isles website www.wihb.scot.nhs.uk. It is currently available for patients at Western Isles Hospital and Ospadal Uibhist agus Bharraigh and will be rolled out to St Brendan’s Hospital as soon as possible.
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