Businesses have voted ’yes’ for the Fort William Business Improvement District (BID) for a period of five years from December 1, 2024 until November 30, 2029.
There were 66 ‘yes’ votes and 41 ‘no’ votes, meaning more than 60 per cent voted in favour of the BID. According to Civica Election Services (CES) 30.18 per cent of those eligible to vote in the ballot did so.
Ballot papers were sent to eligible voters on Thursday October 3 to allow businesses to cast their vote and the count was held on Friday November 22.
The Fort William BID Steering Committee is “thrilled” to have succeeded in winning the support of businesses in Fort William.
Local businessman Archie MacDonald, chairperson of the steering committee, said: “It has taken two years of interaction and discussion with businesses in the community and a rigorous election process managed by the Electoral Commission, together with considerable work from the local-led volunteers appointed to the steering group, to get this exciting project over the line.
“Our Project Manager, Mark MacLean, deserves a special mention for his commitment and hard work. The advice of Scotland’s Town Partnership has also been invaluable.”
The steering committee sees the BID as an opportunity to contribute to, work with and support the business community. They say this will ultimately benefit the wider Lochaber community and make Fort William a more prosperous and attractive place to live and work.
Mr MacDonald added: “It was encouraging to note that support for the BID came from all parts of the economy; beyond retail and hospitality. The trades and industry understood that a rising tide lifts all boats.”
The BID is a business-led organisation that will raise funds from ratepayers who have a rateable value of over £3,000, with a levy starting at £200 per annum and linked to RV. It is anticipated further funds will be raised from national sources to support its aims.
The BID funds will be used to support the priorities of the business community, as informed by the results from a survey of businesses carried out during spring and summer. These were predominantly to improve the appearance of the town and initiatives to encourage tourism in the off-season.
Now that the project has the seal of approval, the committee’s next steps are to establish the BID as a legal entity and seek out people eager to give their time to help deliver projects.
A board made up of people from the business community will be put together and a manager for the BID will be hired on a part-time basis. Anyone interested should email Mark MacLean at:
The ‘yes’ result is published on the council’s website by the ballot holder and independent scrutineer for CIVICA Electoral Services.
The Fort William BID Business Plan for 2024 to 2029 is available by contacting BID Fort William, MacLean House, Belford Road, Fort William, PH33 6BT; email: or phone 07804 484650.
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