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St Conan's tree-mendous festival

Thousands of people descended on St Conan’s Kirk over the weekend to visit its ever-popular Christmas Tree Festival.

Twinkle, twinkle lots of trees at St Conan's Kirk 2024 Christmas Tree Festival.
Twinkle, twinkle lots of trees at St Conan's Kirk 2024 Christmas Tree Festival.

With 75 twinkling trees on display and live music every day for the first time since the festival started almost a decade ago,  the three-and-a-half day event was yet another success said Liz Mackay from The Friends of St Conan’s.


Lochnell Primary School’s  Mad Hatter’s Tea Party won the most votes for the best tree, with the Hope Re_Stored tree in second place, narrowing beating Oban Mountain Rescue’s stretcher coming third.

Tea ladies at the Christmas Tree Festival, service with a smile.
Tea ladies at the Christmas Tree Festival, service with a smile.
Mad Hatter's Tea party. The winning entry from Lochnell Primary School. Photograph: Stephen Lawson
Mad Hatter's Tea party. The winning entry from Lochnell Primary School. Photograph: Stephen Lawson

"Last year was a great festival and we really thought it had peaked with the number of  trees and visitor numbers but then 2024 came and it’s been even better.


"It’s not just about the trees, it’s about the community who get involved - the groups, the workplaces, the charities, schools - all of them. We had a lot of new trees this year and some old favourites, we also had some bigger trees that really added to the depth of view and we added more of our own decorations around the Kirk as well as more dramatic lighting up the walls and in the cloister," said Liz.


Down in the crypt, there was a Victorian scene that was set as a nod to the Kirk’s Victorian founder Walter Douglas Campbell. A snowy path leading to a room of a house with a fireplace and a tree.

Just some of the 34 pupils who sang with Lochnell Primary School at St Conan's Christmas Tree Festival.
Just some of the 34 pupils who sang with Lochnell Primary School at St Conan's Christmas Tree Festival.
A festive performance by Oban High School Brass Band.
A festive performance by Oban High School Brass Band.

Big thanks has also gone to the singers and musicians who entertained with carols and Christmas tunes. They included more than 30 youngsters from Lochnell Primary School, Oban High School’s brass band and The Minnies making their debut public appearance.


"Our volunteers did a marvellous job. From the parking team outside to those inside who hid the elves for the trail, served up refreshments and kept the festival running smoothly. Everyone did a great job.


"Next year will be the festival’s tenth anniversary. We’ll be looking at making it something extra special," added Liz.

Oban Mountain Rescue Team's third place entry. Photograph: Stephen Lawson.
Oban Mountain Rescue Team's third place entry. Photograph: Stephen Lawson.
Santa was a familiar face popping up at St Conan's Christmas Tree Festival, there was also an elf trail for young and young-at-heart visitors.
Santa was a familiar face popping up at St Conan's Christmas Tree Festival, there was also an elf trail for young and young-at-heart visitors.

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