I chose the wee headline tag above for a number of reasons.
First: it is my instinctive and immediate reaction to the words of Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson, who said asylum seekers should be sent to Scottish islands if the government’s illegal Rwanda plan fell through.
With complete ignorance of his subject, he actually said “a nice Scottish island with a few outbuildings would be suitable” despite it “being a bit parky up there at this time of year”.
That comment exemplifies his utter disdain for our island communities, which, I suspect, register below Rwanda on his radar.
You could not make it up.
These words of contempt will not surprise some people. Anderson has a long record of inflammatory outpourings and consequent apologies. He is, I believe, what pundits call “a loose cannon”. I could very readily strengthen that condemnation.
What Anderson and his colleagues really want is to distract attention wholly from their failed immigration policies and to hide the fallout: out of sight is, to them, out of mind.
Anderson views our island communities as far away, easily forgotten dumping grounds for the unfortunate dispossessed souls whom the London hierarchy cannot easily deal with.
I’ve said it before but I’ll repeat this: I am not politically aligned to any party but the contempt towards us here from this awful man is beyond our disdain.
Anderson should be compelled to apologise yet again and resign his parliamentary seat.
I was fair tickled by the tale of the baby boy from Yorkshire who has been given Oban as his first name.
His mum Lynda apparently chose the name after falling in love with oor wee toon as a holiday destination several years ago and still visiting now a couple of times annually.
I mentioned this cheery story to a chum and have to admit I was even more amused with his reply. “It’s just as well she didn’t fall in love with Scunthorpe,” he quipped.
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