At Healthy Options we understand weight loss can be extremely challenging and leave many frustrated through lack of progress.
Excess body weight tends to creep on slowly over time so it stands to reason it will also take time to remove.
The problem is we humans like to see rewards as soon as possible and we struggle to exercise patience.
Those who are successful long-term tend to attack the problem from a range of different avenues, without a polarised focus on a single strategy such as serious calorie restriction or hitting the gym every day.
Both strategies may work short term, but most who embark on such an approach will find themselves reverting to old habits as their lifestyle change was simply too much to maintain.
To lose weight we need to generate a negative energy balance by burning more energy than we consume.
For those who use exercise alone as their means of weight control, it’s worth noting that this usually only contributes five to 15 per cent of total calorie burn throughout the day and most of us don’t exercise daily.
Resting metabolic rate makes up most of our energy output. This is the energy the body requires for basic functions like breathing, repair of tissue, heart and brain function.
This can be further enhanced by increasing lean tissue, improving sleep duration and drinking plenty water.
When it comes to nutrition it’s also worth considering the thermic effect of food.
This refers to the amount of energy we use to break down, absorb and metabolise the food we eat.
As a rough estimate, around 10 per cent of calories on a plate will be used in the digestion process, but this can be increased by consuming more protein.
Around seven to 10 per cent of carbohydrates consumed will be used in digestion and fats only require around three per cent. Protein requires 20 to 30 per cent of its value in calories to be broken down and will make you feel fuller quicker. It also provides the building blocks required to maintain muscle mass which is crucial as we age.
Our remaining energy is used through something known as NEAT.
This stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis and equates to all other activity that isn’t formal exercise.
This is where many can make a huge difference to their daily energy expenditure through a more active lifestyle.
NEAT includes fidgeting, housework, walking, gardening, DIY - even just standing instead of spending lengthy periods seated.
NEAT is thought to be one of the main reasons why some people gain weight more easily than others and can vary significantly from 100 to 800 calories per day.
Research also points to the fact that those who exhibit a higher NEAT will maintain better blood sugar levels through regular muscle activation.
You can increase your NEAT by aiming for an increased step count with every 1,000 steps you achieve burning an extra 30 to 40 calories.
Try setting a timer on your phone to avoid consecutive hours of inactivity, especially during work, periods of poor weather or during the evening.
Incorporating daily indoor tasks into your evening can help avoid consecutive hours of inactivity.
The nights are lengthening, so what about an after-dinner walk or gardening up to dusk?
Could you walk when you need to make a short trip instead of automatically reaching for the car keys? Or perhaps you could park your car in the space furthest from the shop entrance, reserved for those who would like to be a little leaner and perhaps live a little longer?
Cameron Johnson,
Lorn Healthy Options Exercise Professional.
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