CID hunt suspected forger
Detectives across Argyll and Bute are hunting for suspected forgers who are thought to have passed fake notes in Campbeltown, Lochgilphead and Oban last week.
Staff at Mary’s Meals in Lochgilphead’s Argyll Street lost £30 in takings when managers at Bank of Scotland told them a £20 note and £10 pound note were suspected of being false.
Police visited shop proprietors on Wednesday afternoon.
At Bargain Zone, also on Argyll Street, police viewed closed circuit television (CCTV) footage, which appears to show one of the suspects handing over the notes.
Sergeant Davie Ferguson at Lochgilphead police station said that CID officers were still making enquiries but have not traced anyone yet.
SNH calls to bring back the beaver
Beavers could be introduced to Mid Argyll as early as next year, if the Scottish Executive accepts a recommendation from Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
A decision on the plans is expected from Deputy Minister for Environmental and Rural Development Lewis MacDonald by May.
If he grants the licence, beavers could be introduced to Knapdale Wildlife Reserve next year.
The recommendation from SNH, which has been studying the feasibility of the proposal since 1998, is for a trial re-introduction of European beavers to Scotland, bringing them back to the country for the first time since they were hunted to extinction in the sixteenth century.
Simon Jones, the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s conservation manager for Argyll, said: "Through practical environmental action we can bring back one of Scotland’s most charismatic and appealing creatures.
"Beavers bring benefits both in terms of improvements to woodland and wetland ecosystems and potential wildlife tourism opportunities.
"Beaver activity helps to regulate flooding and creates new and more diverse habitats that support a wide range of species."
Although the decision from the executive is imminent, beavers won’t be introduced to Mid Argyll until next year at the earliest.
Mr Jones said: "After quarantine, the earliest beavers could arrive at Knapdale is spring 2006, but this is dependent on when the decision is made by the minister.
"The results of the trial won’t be available until at least 2012. Only then can a decision be reached on whether beavers really could return to Scotland."
If the licence is approved, between 15 and 20 beavers from Norway will be released into the reserve, and their behaviour studied in great detail. If it goes ahead, the development of public viewing will be an integral part of the project.
Crarae Gardens crisis
Crarae Glen Gardens, south of Inveraray, could close and be sold next year if a fund-raising appeal launched this week is unsuccessful.
The Gardens are run by a fully-recognised charitable trust and Sir Ilay Campbell, one of the eight trustees, told the ‘Advertiser’ that they would stay open this year but added: "Unless we get some very positive responses to our appeal, I cannot answer to the future because the trust just does not have funds available to meet the annual deficit which is very considerable."
Sir Ilay said that around six thousand visitors a year went to the gardens, which are renowned worldwide and there was also income from plant sales.
But these funds were not "anything like sufficient" to cover the very large expenses, he said.
The gardens were formed around the turn of the century and have been established by three generations of Sir Ilay’s family, including Sir lay himself.
In 1978, they were made over to a charitable trust and present trustees include the vice-president of the National Trust for Scotland as well as a former chairman of the Countryside Commission for Scotland and a former director of the National Trust for Scotland.
Sir Ilay made over a generous endowment to the trust but that is now all but exhausted through the costs of maintaining the gardens. Their future is now under serious threat
Sir Ilay explained that if the appeal to save the gardens is unsuccessful, the trust would be obliged, firstly, to look for some organisation willing to buy them and run them as gardens.
Failing that, the land would simply have to be sold with the proceeds going to some other charitable organisation involved in plants or gardening.
Sir Ilay thought that the prospect of finding a buyer willing to continue the gardens was virtually nil. This means their future depends on the appeal. If it is unsuccessful, Crarae will close.
The importance of preserving the gardens is being emphasised by a including the National Trust for Scotland, the Royal Botanical Garden in Edinburgh, and the Royal Horticultural Society.
The aim of the appeal is to achieve within five years a capital fund of £250,000 and during that time totalling £15,000 per year in order to cover running costs until the capital fund is fully established.
Argyll Mecca for cruise liners ocean giant to visit Inveraray
Several hundred Americans and Canadians will make Inveraray their target this summer. The ‘invaders’ will be passengers on the 21,164-ton Cungsholm of the Swedish-American line which will carry them into the very heart of Scotland’s Campbell country when she visits Argyll’s capital on Saturday, May 8, during a cruise of European ports.
The vessel, which will sail from New York, will be one of the largest ever seen on Loch Fyne. She will arrive at. Inveraray from Brodick about 4 p.m.and remain there until the following morning.
A tour of Inveraray Castle, ancient seat of the Campbells, is sure to be a must with her passengers who are also likely to be on the hunt for local souvenirs.
The Cungsholm’s first call in this country is to be to the Isle of Wight.
Oban is to receive calls from four famous luxury liners during the season.
The first of these is the Norwegian vessel Meteor due to visit the town on May 29 at the end of its annual island cruise under the sponsorship of the National Trust for Scotland.
The ship, which will carry mainly British passengers, will arrive at 4 p.m. and will berth at the railway pier. Other ports of call during the cruise, which begins from Ardrossan, will be Iona on May 23, Stornoway on May 26 and St Kilda on May 27.
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