Readers’ opinion – week 31, 2024
A radical approach for the ferry service
I wonder how many of your readers will have heard of the Deck Space Pilot Project? Me neither, until last weekend and an article in the Herald.
This is, apparently, a trial CalMac has been running in Mull and some other islands where a certain percentage of space, around 10 per cent I believe, on the car deck is held back and released 72 hours before sailing for island residents.
As I understand it, there is a proposal that this be extended to other islands, including Arran, although good luck with deciding who is and who isn’t an island resident.
I would suggest that after the utter shambles of the past few years we need a more radical approach, one which is impervious to any suggestions of favouritism.
I believe a better idea for the Ardrossan to Brodick service, once we have a full two-boat service, would be to make one boat turn up and go, first come-first-served. No booking at all.
The benefits to the island would be enormous. If you couldn’t get a booking on the main boat, you have a go at getting on unbooked. If you don’t get on you will be near the head of the queue and know you’re almost certainly getting on the next one.
Surely it’s worth a trial.
Sandy MacAlister,
Don’t scrap the winter fuel payment
Age Scotland is urging the UK government to reconsider plans to scrap the winter fuel payment for pensioners who do not receive pension credit.
This move will effectively take money away from some of the lowest income pensioners in Scotland.
There are currently more than 150,000 pensioners living in poverty in this country and we know many more are living on incomes just above the pension credit threshold. They will now miss out on a payment which could help them heat their homes and stay warm over winter.
I would urge the UK government to look again at this decision, which affects older people who are already struggling with the high cost of living and will now face being worse off at a time they desperately need support.
Already we are getting calls to our helpline from older people who are distressed by the announcement and worried about what lies ahead.
I would call on anyone in that position to get in touch with our free helpline on 08001 244222 where our advisers can carry out a full benefits check to ensure you are getting everything you are entitled to.
Around 123,000 pensioners in Scotland who are eligible for pension credit are not claiming it and they are some of the people who are going to be worst affected when the payment is withdrawn.
The winter fuel payment is due to be devolved to the Scottish Government and our hope is it will be restored as a universal benefit, particularly in light of the fact Scotland generally experiences worse weather than other parts of the UK and more than half of those who receive it use it as an important part of winter budgeting.
Keeping or reinstating the winter fuel payment will ensure money is going to those who need it most, when they need it most.
Katherine Crawford,
Age Scotland.
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