Unwelcome pot shots
At Random is a fitting title for Martin Laing’s column in the Oban Times as he takes pot shots at news items far afield from his home ground.
Bah humbug and Scrooge come to mind when I read his contribution to your November 7 edition...it is coming up to the season of giving and goodwill after all. Mr Laing bemoans the approval of £2million to build seven new business units on my home island of Benbecula..."a huge sum and overly ambitious for business development on such a tiny isle".
Clearly such developments undergo close scrutiny and good business cases have to be made, but I would suggest that the writer has a closer look at the geography of the West Coast beyond Oban and he should realise that our ’ tiny island’ is not quite on a par with Rockall; we happen to be very well connected to our neighbouring islands to the north and south of Benbecula and besides there is, thankfully, when it comes to the economy and business units, some important consideration given to opportunities for inward investment.
Martin Laing finishes off with his view on the Sunday opening of the Tesco supermarket in Stornoway, headed Open to Discussion. Well, I don’t think it was open to discussion. Tesco decided they could not continue with the only store in the UK that was closed for one seventh of the week.
Just as the bear that he refers to back in the 1980s was alien to the hills of Uist, Tesco’s opening on the Sabbath is alien to the way of life in Lewis; at least we were able to stop the bear in his tracks before he did any lasting damage.
Alasdair MacEachen, Benbecula.
Murdered Wren remembered
My partner and I stumbled upon the grave of Wren Gertrude Canning, who was murdered at the age of 20 in woods near Inveraray in 1942, on our first trip to Inveraray and we try to stop by each time we visit.
We just want to pay our respects and simultaneously give thanks for our own comparatively blessed lives.
We laid a little poppy cross at the site today [Sunday November 10, 2024] and said a few words. Hopefully she sees every small gesture, and knows that there are good people still out there.
Daniel Edwards, via westcoasttoday.co.uk
Hospital at Home is fantastic
I write in praise of a new NHS initiative that is running from Lorn and Islands Hospital.
I am an 80-year-old Oban resident who recently suffered from a severe pneumonia. I was offered medical support from Hospital at Home.
I experienced excellent treatment – blood analysis, oxygen levels, heart monitoring, blood pressure and administration of intravenous antibiotics – performed by highly skilled and efficient nursing staff and all in the ease and comfort of my own home. This initiative is not only efficient but must also be cost effective.
Hospital at Home is new and only running in a few locations. It is funded by Health Improvement Scotland but this is is not yet on a permanent basis.
I believe that there are numerous locations in Argyll and Bute and the wider Highlands and Islands that would benefit from the introduction of this initiative. I have written to health administors in Argyll and Bute, the Scottish Government and the Health Secretary urging continuation of this resource and I urge others to do likewise.
Dorothy Macdonald, Oban.
Gaelic learners struggle without community support
I’m aware that many learners of Gaelic in Glasgow and central Scotland are are now rather perplexed as to what to do after they reach a certain stage in speaking Gaelic as higher Gaelic is unavailable or they live in a community where Gaelic is the traditional first language.
As I predicted many years ago, Gaelic can only work properly within traditional Gaelic communities, it does not do well by just being planted where the culture is non existent.
That also tells me that most of the money spent in areas of no cultural existence is wasted money. In truth the only benefit is that Gaelic teachers get a well paid job for life while Gaelic remains unspoken in it true form, so to some degree it is fake as far as I’m concerned.
Aonghas Eoghainn Mhoir, Uibhist a Deas.
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