On Friday (August 30) a small pod of, probably, common dolphins were spotted in Oban Bay, between the North Pier pontoons and the Railway Pier, apparently feeding.
I was appalled to see a number of boats, including at least one local sightseeing/fishing boat, circling and chasing them for a considerable period, including right in the middle of the pod. This behaviour by boat owners is utterly unforgiveable.
All boat owners should know that they should never attempt to approach cetaceans or sharks, should try not to interfere and should be very careful if they want to watch/photograph.
Of all people a boat operator whose business is showing visitors sea life or fishing should know better. A number of boats were involved, including one inflatable which sped across the bay to the Cardingmill pontoon to collect a sightseer and then came back to watch.
Guidance from NatureScot is clear: within 300m of the animals you should slow down (max 6 knots); maintain a minimum distance of 50 m for dolphins and porpoises (100m for whales); don’t approach them directly, particularly from behind; maintain a parallel course and don’t cut them off; never chase them and, if they approach your vessel and bow ride, maintain a steady course and speed, and remain vigilant.
To the boat owners involved, you know who you are and I hope you are ashamed. For everyone else, please respect our wildlfe and, if everyone does, we may be able to keep the wildlife we have.
Name and address supplied.
I am writing to you in my capacity as the Independent councillor for the Kintyre and the Islands ward to express profound concerns regarding the deteriorating state of our road infrastructure.
This issue significantly impacts the quality of life for our residents and the operational effectiveness of a diverse range of local stakeholders, including small to medium-sized businesses, crofters, farmers, fishermen, and health and social care workers, as well as our world-renowned distilleries.
The Kintyre and the Islands ward contributes substantially to the local and national economy, particularly through these varied sectors.
Despite this considerable economic contribution, there is a palpable imbalance between the revenue generated from our area and the public spending allocated to us. This disparity is increasingly evident in the state of our roads.
Furthermore, the challenges posed by our aging ferry fleet can only exacerbate our infrastructure woes. These factors collectively hinder not only daily commutes but also affect tourism and local commerce severely, which are vital to our community’s prosperity.
Given these points, I urge you to advocate vigorously for increased funding to address these pressing issues. It is imperative that we secure adequate resources to maintain and enhance our road networks to reflect the economic output and potential of our ward.
I insist on the necessity of contacting the Scottish Assembly to implore them to properly fund our local authorities to mitigate these long-standing issues. Our community deserves a commitment to infrastructure that matches our contribution to the country’s economic health.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am keen to discuss this further and explore all possible avenues to facilitate the improvements our ward urgently requires.
Councillor Alastair Redman, Kintyre and the Islands Ward.
I went up for a walk round Glencoe Lochan on July 22 and found parking charges have recently been imposed with no apparent warning and quite obscure notices.
I went for a walk as usual and only became aware of the notice when I got back to the car park. I then had to find a pen and paper to take a note of the contact details for paying for the parking. I had to join an app to make payment.
Unfortunately you have to have a mobile phone to do this. I do not have one. I tried the phone number and it was unavailable. Thus I am unable to make any payment as there is no address to send payment to.
There should be clear signs at entrances warning you that you can only park there if you have a mobile phone.
Mike Breslin, by email.
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