Bus drivers in Argyll are beloved public servants and that was shown when the public praised them for donning Hallowe’en costumes to brighten passengers’ day.
But that is not the case everywhere and the abuse they suffer has been on the rise.
Earlier this week, Unite the union released the findings of a mass survey of 1100 bus drivers across Scotland which reveals historic high levels of abuse and major concerns over safety on public transport.
The union has been campaigning to improve bus driver safety in the aftermath of driver Keith Rollinson’s death following an assault in Elgin in February.
Mr Rollinson was knocked unconscious by a teenage boy and later died in hospital.
Unite found that 84 per cent of drivers have experienced more abuse at work in the last 12 months.
Where respondents said they had been a victim of abuse, 83 per cent said it was verbal abuse, 16 per cent physical abuse, and one per cent victims of sexual abuse/assault at work.
Some harrowing accounts were provided to the survey. One anonymous driver said: "The abuse is terrible. I have been spat at three times by teenagers in the last twelve months, threats of harming me and saying they know where I live so threats to my home and family.
"There’s no point even reporting it as there’s nothing done about these individuals they are just allowed to travel, say and do what they want”
The increased threat of abuse has left over half of drivers not feeling safe at work, but most, like the driver quoted, feel reporting incidents is useless.
According to Unite’s findings, 79 per cent of drivers do not report to the police, 48 per cent to not report to their employer, and 69 per cent who reported the incidents to their employer were dissatisfied with the outcome.
This is something that Unite is seeking to rectify.
Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Urgent measures must be taken to address the staggering level of abuse being suffered by bus drivers.
"In no way is this acceptable. Unite members will not tolerate abuse any longer.
“The Scottish Government has to step up and step in to ensure our members feel safe at work. A do nothing response is not an option.
“Unite is working with its members to explore all options to ensure endemic workplace abuse is tackled in the workplace.”
Incidents of abuse and other forms of antisocial behaviour not only affect drivers, but other passengers also.
To combat this, Unite is demanding that its www.unitetheunion.org/news-events/news/2024/february/unite-provides-safety-road-map-to-first-minister-for-scottish-bus-drivers&source=gmail&ust=1731605963172000&usg=AOvVaw2t1M1Ql1B5JI0M71YEH_i5">‘Road Map to Safety’ is implemented which would introduce a set of minimum safety measures aimed at discouraging anti-social and violent behaviour on buses.
The road map includes increasing the presence of police officers or community wardens on buses, CCTV on buses and bus stations, panic buttons and other enhanced safety features installed on buses including internal locking systems.
Industry body CPT commented on behalf of West Coast Motors, a spokesperson said: "CPT is working with Transport Scotland, operator members, Unite, and other stakeholders to ensure that a full and effective range of preventative measures and sanctions are in place to tackle antisocial behaviour on the bus network and bring about positive changes for the benefit of staff and passengers.
“This is a complex issue, involving ministerial responsibilities across transport, justice and education.
"We hope the upcoming findings and recommendations of the Scottish Government’s Independent Working Group on Antisocial Behaviour reflects the concerns raised, and solutions proposed by the bus sector.
“CPT bus operator members always have the safety of staff and customers as their top priority with safety measures and deterrents deployed on buses operating throughout Scotland. Where criminal acts have taken place and are reported, these are also reported to the police to action.
"Where incidents are linked to the free bus travel for under 22s scheme, we would like to see sanctions introduced such as the suspension or removal of the right to free travel.
“As Unite highlights, antisocial behaviour incidents have a marked impact on bus drivers and other frontline staff.
"Additionally, communities may lose vital local services that cannot be run due to operators taking action to protect staff. Vulnerable passengers may become isolated if they feel unsafe travelling on public transport."
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