A driving offence, a case of public urination and a breach of bail feature in the latest police news round-up.
Traffic lights
A 73-year-old man was traced and issued with a conditional offer after allegedly failing to comply with temporary traffic lights at Milknowe, Campbeltown, at about 10.50am on Tuesday March 4, by proceeding when the light was showing red.
Public urination
A 42-year-old man was issued with a £40 fixed penalty notice after allegedly urinating in a public place in Longrow South, Campbeltown, at about 1.30am on Sunday March 2.
Breach of bail
At about 9am on Tuesday March 4, on Campbeltown Road, Tarbert, a 29-year-old man was arrested and held for court after allegedly breaching a bail condition previously set at Campbeltown Sheriff Court.
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