A rallying cry has been issued to people of Scottish descent throughout the world in a bid to save a vital piece of the country’s history.
A surge of support for the Auchindrain township followed news last week of funding cuts that have left the historic visitor attraction struggling to survive.
And now its trustees have made a plea to the Scottish diaspora to save this key link to the nation’s heritage.
Described as a ‘call to the clans’ the appeal was launched this week on the Auchindrain website where the funding cuts prompted allusions to the Highland clearances.
The last surviving example of a pre-clearances farming settlement, the site was described this week on its webpage as, “at risk of being lost forever - a final victim of what’s become known as Fuadaichean nan Gàidheal, the eviction of the Gaels”.
The website adds: “Changes in national funding have left Auchindrain cut off and struggling to survive but the call to the clans is going out and the metaphorical standard is being dusted off and raised in the first flurries of a battle to save Auchindrain on behalf of the Scots around the world who are the descendants of the Scots who were forced to leave their homes during the clearances.”
In order to ensure the visitor attraction reopens this spring a new board of trustees is being formed, a team of volunteers is being put together and the Friends of Auchindrain group is being re-established under the leadership of Argyll and Bute’s depute provost Jan Brown.
In a bid to move forward with the process of reopening the township to visitors the provost has arranged to meet with insurers and with health and safety officers who will assess the safety of the site.
In addition, a significant amount of work is required to repair damage caused by storm Eowyn and to restore Auchindrain’s impressive collection of artefacts. All of this will need a substantial cash injection.
Donations to secure the future of this vital piece of Scotland’s heritage can be made via the Auchindrain website: auchindrain.org.uk
The website stresses: “Auchibdrain WILL open this spring,” and adds: “We will need Scots everywhere to rally to the cause - Auchindrain, is as important to Scottish history as Skara Brae in Orkney, Culloden or any of the country’s great castles.”
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